Some of the most fun core combat in any game but some of the level and encounter design makes me severely depressed. I think this score is generous all things considered

I genuinely, earnestly, don't think there's anything I can say here.

Main story sucks. Everything else is honestly pretty amazing. This would be higher rated with a mod that removes weapon condition but I don't rate based on gameplay mods but that mechanic is absolute dogass.

DLC ranking: The Pitt > Broken Steel >> Point Lookout >>> Operation Anchorage > Mothership Zeta

I think this game is a bit (emphasis on 'a bit') overhated. Dante's disc is a mildly enjoyable hack-and-slash with a surprisingly fun melee combat system. It drags slightly and there are some awful bosses but it's... okay? Lucia's disc is just bad though. Just Dante's would be a bit higher.

Bloody Palace is fun in this game though.

If DMC1 has a million fans I am one of them. If it has ten fans I am one them. If it has one fan I am that fan. If the world is against DMC1 I am against the world. I will glaze this game for all eternity.

This game has higher highs and lower lows than Returns so it evens out to me feeling pretty much the same about both. Fun game even if I think it doesn't do anything outstanding.

one of the best beat em ups except for a consistent crash against todd. dunno what was up with that

This is so fire. Brought down by some levels feeling a bit cheap otherwise would be a practically perfect platformer even if it doesn't do anything OUTSTANDING

I'm an ARG hater. I love Inscryption, for example, but find the ARG elements corny and forced. Same goes for a lot of other games... but this felt truly realized and taking unique advantage of the medium I've never seen before.

Overall brought down a tiny bit because the fact you need to use a cipher at some point is very missable. It does at least give you the hint, which I'm thankful for, but I think it could be more clear.

Fun game, maybe a bit easy for my tastes but the platforming was consistently engaging and fun. Wish the bosses had more impact as they go by very fast.

Absolutely horrid. Worst 100% experience in a game probably ever.

I don't... know how to write this.

This was such an experience. A powerful, emotional one.

Time loops are a thing that games, understandably, don't tackle often. Doing something over and over again, isn't in most people's wheelhouse for an enjoyable gameplay experience.

But when done right, it's incredible. Proof; this game.

Siffrin's character arc... their slow mental decline... it feels palpable and real. It's a very visceral depiction of derealization and their slow spiral, his occasional outbursts... feel... so engaging.

Games that choose to intentionally pull negative emotions from you are often times my favorite experiences in the medium - there's a quote from the developer that says something similar - games are in a unique place to create a mechanically 'unfun' experience. Often times, this isn't done well or a game is unfun when it's trying not to be.

This game, I believe succeeds a lot (with some exceptions, see below).

Trauma... trauma, trauma. Never seen a game handle it quite like this, yeah?

Okay, lets get real.

Life can be unfair. Sometimes, traumatic experiences can come in waves, they can come so rapidly and so harshly that it feels like the universe itself is targeting you specifically. "Why?!" We've all cried before. "Why me?!?! What did I do?!"

It's hard to reach out for help. Even when people you love - family, friends, are right there, it can be so hard. You convince yourself they hate you. Make up what they're thinking in your head.

"I shouldn't bother them." "They don't care."

Yeah? Follow me so far?

If you resonated, with any of that, play this game. Check the content warnings, first, but play this game.

Because it resonated with me on a level I cannot even describe. I've never seen a game ever be so blindingly human.

This game isn't perfect. Act 2, drags a bit and has some weird design choices, and Act 5 is a bit frustrating to navigate...

But I can't not rate it as high as I can, because of that.

Oh. Gameplay is fun, too.

Love the story for this one - can't really stand the puzzle design. So I just watched the game instead.

This game way overuses the most annoying trial-and-error puzzles I've played in a long time to the point where I just don't have fun with it.