7 reviews liked by trashcat2000

Definitely The Tales Game of all time

They should have had the courage to not turn this dream into reality

From the developers who watched a Lets Play of The Last of Us,

Not enough room in my inventory for the 5th star
They have since patched in enough room in my inventory for the 5th star

If you can get past the first few hours of annoyingly dense Forspoken-for-Men dialogue, and an entire games worth of spongy Imitation Bioshock combat and janky puzzles, you earn yourself a few genuinely interesting narrative sequences and the main character talking less and actually coming off like a real human being. It was enough to make me believe that despite it's rocky start, the game was actually going to lead up to something unique, cool, and memorable.

It didn't. Don't bother.

Immaculate Vibes. Maculate Gameplay

Absolutely godlike final 2 cases that completely make up for the excessively mediocre game leading up to them

Danganronpa: Dual Destinies