nice music and atmosphere, but theres too many traps and deathpits and stuff, deaths basicalyl do no feel fair so making progress isnt very fun.

one of the most FUN video games out there. the build up from a small ball in the house to the epic finale works so well. the final level is probably one of the best gaming experiences out there period, with the song and everything.

the music is also extremely unique and VERY good. it really helps set the tone of silliness, theres all sorts of unique songs in english japanese and others.

fun puzzles but i hate the story

absolutely amazing story full of twists and turns and memorable characters, the dungeons are fun enough, kind of get repetitve as you near the end game, but they still manage to be fun if you replay the game years later. I didnt like the post game and dont really think its worth it, but the bonus scenarios for sky are extremely good and worth playing sky for alone (you can just download a full save file if you dont want to replay) the side stories add a ton to the narrative and characters.

probably the best way to play tetris

some annoying levels and i hated the live system, but it felt pretty good to play.

filled a lot of time in school. choosing the right mine in a 50/50 is extremely stressful, i love it. also feels really good to win expert

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