naughty dog games really are all exactly the same and all completely horrible. badly written, horribly designed mess of a game.

hard to rate this one because it's a case study in why the games press is a complete failure. it got perfect review scores and then two weeks later everyone was like "hang on, this shit sucks!"

the story's a complete racist mess, the gunplay is sorta wack, and the world is totally illogical. that said, i still have a measure of affection for it, as an example of Game Design Discourse Gone Bad circa 2013; this game does everything that was popular back then, and it fucks most of it up, but boy is it trying to do it.

bioshock is about gimmicks dressed up as Deep Thoughts, but i quite like those gimmicks, so it works for me

really cool agitprop game and a little time capsule of a time when a better world seemed possible

theres two kinds of reactions to this game; ones where its like "wow so spooky, what a smart takedown of the dating sim genre!" and ones where it's like "i played 5000000000000 dating sims last month and this is ignorant bullshit by philistines." unlike all of them i am a perfect genius who understands that this is a 3 star game with some fun spooks and scares which does a good job at being a meme. and that's fine.

one of the only games to ever really understand what magic should look like

My Only Crime Is My Love For Absolute Chaos

i adore this game. lots of weak people in the reviews here with zero vibes. speaking as a perfect genius and a font of powerful vibes this game is amazing and flawless. i love being sad and confused and walking around a beautiful place which frustrates you at every turn as part of the story. this game is about grief and being sad and if you hate it then you should go play a game for babies like red dead redemption. thanks for reading.

someone recommended this in the Dear Esther reviews as a way better version of that game and that, to me, is like recommending the goodfeathers from the animaniacs for people who found goodfellas too challenging. anyway i did like this one but it's so unsubtle and inhuman and cartoonish that i can't recommend it honestly.

i liked it when the ghost appeared

really liked this one a lot, some really cool ideas and the type of messy execution which appeals to me in high-budget releases

punched a guy in the face on a boat playing this once. not many games you can say that about.

games are allowed to be Cool while still being Games

feels like the first AAA game to actually understand why people like walking simulators. that said, it would be improved massively by cutting mads mikkelsen (and basically the entire story) which is a huge mark against it. big and stupid in that trademark kojima way, but this one works because of the ways in which it makes you feel small and powerless.