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tsimbooky reviewed Halo: The Master Chief Collection
A collection of 6 games that often goes on sale for cheap so it's definitely worth it especially if you're a Halo fan. I've always found the series to be kind of overrated so to me the games themselves are good but nothing mind blowing, they're just very decent corridor wave shooters.

The best thing about the collection is the ability to do the campaigns with a friend.

1 day ago

tsimbooky abandoned Mass Effect: Andromeda
One of the most disappointing sequels ever, dialogue, story and characters are all awful. The open world is so cookie cutter it's got every generic checklist map marker you've seen and done 100 times before. Other than the updated visuals and movement this has nothing on the OG trilogy.

skip it.

1 day ago

tsimbooky completed Dante's Inferno
It's more than just a god of war clone

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

tsimbooky played Grid
It's a decent and visually stunning simcade racer, but it's kind of barebones and simple compared to what's become standard for racing games. No real campaign or progression other than a list of events and no customization other than paint jobs. The series has great potential but there's no real reason at the moment to play Grid over the dozens of other racing games available.

6 days ago

tsimbooky played Need for Speed: Heat
EA releases probably the most decent NFS game of the last 10+ years and instead of unleashing its potential and making it a real contender and alternative to Forza Horizon with updates, new cars, maps etc they decide to pull the plug on it to release a shitty cringier cartoon NFS couple years later. Good job.

Despite its cringe story (i dont understand why ea is so persistent in putting these nonsensical stories in racing games, fast n furious was over 20 years ago) this is a great arcade racer with cool customization and a great neon aesthetic. It's not as good as Forza Horizon, but definitely worth it on a big sale.

*docked half a star for the HDR issues that have not/will never be fixed

8 days ago

tsimbooky shelved Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Gave it a good go but it bored me to death, more of a interactive story than a video game. Tries to be god of war (2018) with bits and pieces from the witcher but everything is watered down and clunky. The only thing i liked was the atmosphere and ambience.

Combat is an afterthought and exploration is walking around big empty corridors, and every 10 steps there is a gap you have to squeeze through, or a ledge, or a climbable wall that takes 5-10 seconds to get through, which serves no purpose I can see other than a loading time trick.

11 days ago

tsimbooky played Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
what a blast from the past, very nostalgic game for me, one of my favourites. It's fun but not real challenging unless you want to 100% the challenges in all the tiers (7 or 8 tiers in total if i remember correctly) and the customization is pretty good for it's time. Definitely one of the best racing games of that generation. Still looks great in 4k on pc.

12 days ago

tsimbooky played Plants vs. Zombies: GOTY Edition
I can see how this would be alright on a road trip or if you need to kill a quick 20 minutes but clicker games aren't really my thing

12 days ago

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