I am deeply in love with this game, this is one of my favourite videogames of all times- Although I'll come clean, I did not like it at first, thinking it was heavily dependant on RNG, it reveals that those odds can be manipulated, and when I actually got good at it, I started enjoying this game alot more
Characters, Music, Combat- Everything I found nearly perfect, and the ending struck deeply into my heart the first time I've completed it.

This is one of my favourite videogame of all times, if anything, if you love classic literature and things such as that, this game does plenty- And I find them particularly interesting reiterations.

My only critcism however is that I feel like the pacing can sometimes feel like a Regular Show episode, and the grinding... Oh, the grinding is awful. I did not personally find losing books upon a reception loss to be particularly fun, but those are my sole problems with the game. The game is a work of art, and deserves more love.

My favourite gacha game in the market (Right now), atleast
I am a huge Project Moon sucker, and here they have done it again- With the latest Cantos, they have been constantly mindblowing stories and interesting reiterations of classic literature.

My only problems with it however is that its a gacha game, and although you can grind out for all the IDs, to me a gacha is often still a gacha. But I wouldn't say to let that stop you at ALL. Project Moon is incredibly attentive to their community, and often respond quickly to bugs (And gives like, insane amounts of gacha currency as compensation).

Although the combat had to be simplified, and is a more RNG based than Library of Ruina, I think the combat was still translated the best it can in a gacha format. Def check it out

how do i start with this game. like, i genuinely love this game but it can be an incredibly frustrating mess that will have you pull out your hair strands- it can be frustrating, and not the fun way
however it is to me the most unique base management game i've ever played and if you love scp go check it out it is PEAK, but if that's not your cup of tea check out other PJM games

i might sound crazy but this is one of the few spiritual successors where the successor is actually better than the original one, don't get me wrong, i LOVE jet set radio and i def recommend to play it and bomb rush, but bomb rush cyberfunk took the jet set radio formula and amplified it by so much, it is crazy. worth checking it out if you're looking for an dumb fun game to play

one of my favourite universes with one of my favourite compositions, character designs and more- for a game that I'm particularly not fond of.
I played this game for so long, and I genuienly thing arknights's story is some of the most fun, and original to delve into- theres nothing like arknights lore out there, but i am not a fan of tower defenses, i could stick for it because of the amount of interactivity, i wish arknights was just a real game instead of a gacha- because honestly like i absoluetly would love to enter into a yapping contest about just this game
if you chill with gachas more though, it is more generous than the average game, but it is not the most generous gacha out there either. check it out, and hey, maybe you'll like it ; it's free so it doesn't hurt trying

A game with excellent character design, storytelling, and iconic music that you've 100% heard of before.
This game... Is miserable.
After many years into the game, I am glad I quit- The community is insecure, but it's not because it just is- The gameplay design is revolved around being miserable- If you get behind, it is a steep road where you do nothing but farm sidelanes per example, just so you can have a shot to actually have the fun part at the game.
However, the most fun part about the game is when you're incredibly ahead- It's how people are hooked. The feeling of essentially playing sandbox mode, and flexing on everyone how goated you are. It's something alot of people want to be playing this game ; Be pretty much him and destroy every games, it is an addicting feeling.

The game is balanced around eSports, and the game's eSports are incredibly fun to watch, still to me to this day, but however it doesnt balance around fun. The game is incredibly unforgiving, and one of the most frustrating games i've ever played, especially with the extremely steep learning curve.

League of Legends is a game that shouldn't be as popular as it is- After all, the game is flawed. But it is an interesting anomaly in the gaming industry. I think the game is the most fun when you're at the "just started, but wanting to learn about the game and actually get good" phase. It is the part where I enjoyed League the most, unfortunately, those times are gone now.

I do not recommend League of Legends, the game in itself- However I recommend heavily reading on the lore, the amazing music, and more (Even if the lore is flawed nowadays, alot of it is deeply interesting.)

this game is genuienly so PEAK even if it aged as of nowadays, can't wait for the sequel, this game is such a dumb fun game, i love killing heretic orks "people"

beatrice laugh.mp3
they were def high on something when making this vnand whatever it is i want it

I think this is one of my favourite games ever, it fixed most of the problems of the PS Vita version, and is an overall beautiful, and amazing remaster of the original.
My only issue with it is however that if you have motion sickness, I unfortunately recommend you to stay away from this game- I had to take regular breaks during my playthroughs, as my head would get dizzy, sadly, it is not for everyone.

But Kat is just such an awesome protagonist, and I just love the world that it has built and it's charming aesthetic (Glaring over my motion sickness issues with the game.)

This game is my personal favourite out of the Armored Core old gen- If you wish to experience the original, good old Armored Core, I think to me my definitive pick is AC3, it is the pinnacle of the old gen combat, and pays full respect to the original Armored Core with the narrative and story.

this is my favourite Armored Core game. i think the one that stands ontop of all of them is For Answer, as much as armored Core 6 is an amazing game, I think that the adrenaline blast that is ACFA is enough to keep me replaying this game over and over again, i adore this game, even though it aged a bit, I think that the combat is like nothing I've ever played, and to me, is one of the most fastest, and thrilling games

we love corporates. the story is fucking awesome btw

my BABY BOOOOOOYYYYYYY fromsoftware cooked so hard with this it has some of the most memorable videogame quotes and some of the most interesting gameplay. i am sickeningly obsessed with this game thank you fromsoft

i can't recommend this game at all just play armored core verdict day it is slop that should be ignored there's legit barely any reason to play this lmfao

despite the huge improvements this game over verdict day, it still tends to 5th gen, the 5th gen is has alot of flaws, and tries to be a direct continuation of ACFA, but god it is like, still kinda worth checking it out if you're interested and know what you're about to walk into, as this game's ost is actually genuienly really goated, but if you're looking for a great armored core game, AC:VD is not the place to look.
although the ultimate weapons were some of the coolest thing in fromsoftware history. FROMSOFT GIVE IT TO US IN LITERALLY ANY OTHER AC GAME I BEG YOU