haiiii i like vido james
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i've just started replaying this and wow. i completely forgot how good this game was. like seriously, this game is a masterpiece. the aesthetic is simple yet hella charming, the music is absolutely beautiful, and the story is among the best in all of gaming. and the best part? it's completely free, at least the original is. yes, cave story+ adds a lot more content, and thus would be considered the more definitive version, but that doesn’t make the original inferior by any means. if you haven't played this gem yet, then please at least just try it. you're missing out otherwise.

fun rhythm game, but i want MORE! and i want to see it in arcades across the world!

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re mind: i like this version of the finale better tbh, it really clears things up that weren't really explained in the base game. funny how sonic frontiers would basically do the same thing years later. and more scala ad caelum is appreciated. also holy crap they freaking killed him.

this is retribution for spamming sonic blade in re:com, isn't it?