Actual fucking masterpiece. The only real fault of this game that I can think of is that it's a bit to easy, but considering this game is made for children, it makes sense. The platforming controls are so fucking good and fun to use that it completely makes up for the lack of difficulty. This is also a huge breath of fresh air for the mario series, the worlds are fun and unique, the dumb costumes you can put on mario go hard, and they referenced waluigi in a mainline mario game!!! 10/10 IGN

My all time favorite game that will never be surpassed. Between the nostalgia and freedom this game provides,the charming art style and music, and the ability to build whatever the hell you want , it's truly a masterpiece of a game that has infinite replayability. Add mods into the mix and it's actually fucking over, 100/10 and I'm not fucking kidding.

A top tier 3d platformer and imo the greatest video game soundtrack of all time. This game also uses the whole " SPACE!!!" thing really well, with a lot of the levels switching up the gravity or how you can walk upside down on the little "planets". Biggest fault here is definitely the overreliance on motion controls, I played this on switch and there was still too much damn motion controls, like I get that it was 2007 and motion controls were all the rage, but come on bro 💀💀. Also the platforming controls themselves are also a little stiff? Like it didn't halt the gameplay whatsoever, but the movement and the jumping just felt a little stiff to me. Overall a masterpiece, I'm glad that 3d All-stars finally gave me a chance to play through the game that I only ever got to see my older brother play since, he uh, wasn't too fond on sharing....

Honestly pretty great! The gameplay was solid and as a star wars fan, I really enjoyed the story here, and I loved some of the planets that you go to in this game. The lightsaber customization is also really cool, and I'm a sucker for funny little droids that aid you throughout your adventure. Very good would recommend to any star wars fans.

I am honestly low key ashamed of how much I enjoy this entire series, I don't think I'm supposed to enjoy the combat and gameplay in this game as much as I do. But this one, this one is a true fucking masterpiece. Despite being a trojan horse for selling expensive plastic toys, Skylanders Giants is an unnecessarily enjoyable time. As I already mentioned, the combat in this game (and the rest of the franchise) is surprisingly well done. The three buttons each having their own attacks and then there often being additional combos makes for a simple yet satisfying combat system. There's also 48 different characters to choose from, and while some of them have some similar moves, they're overall pretty unique to one another, and some of their designs are really good. Bouncer obviously best character. This game and its many characters and npcs are really charming and enjoyable. Plus with dolphin emulator you can literally emulate the portal itself, so if you don't have the figures, you can play it on your computer with all the characters. Very fun game and one of the biggest of my childhood.

A fucking masterpiece. Only complaints I can really give are that it's a little too easy and it seemingly being a reboot is kinda lame, but otherwise this game is genuinely such a great time to play through. One that I will regularly revisit for sure.

It was pretty good! Same problem with this as most nintendo games have been having recently which is that it was definitely too easy (aside from the last few levels), but it was still really fun and it was great to see a new spin on 2d mario that wasnt.. new, super mario bros (why did they name it that, its been 18 years, that shit aint new no more)

It was kinda disappointing and the amount of shit cut breaks my heart but it was still a really fun time. The combat and traversal/swinging is way better in this game, but the story and post game were better in the original. I love this game but it also often leaves me wondering about what could of been had sony let insomniac cook a little while longer

This shit fun as hell bruh, genuinely one of my favorite Sonic games. The bosses are super hit or miss tho and it’s a shame you can’t be super Sonic in the main levels, but the actual levels are super fun. One of the most underrated Sonic games imo