20 Reviews liked by twojam

Screw the haters this shit was fun, The double of Handsome Jack was my favorite to play. Out of all the borderlands, this is my favorite one. I never found myself bored and really enjoyed the story.

Very scary, very don't want to be there. Really enjoyed playing Outlast with a group of friends - even though at the time I hated every moment the controller was in my hands. The idea, design, enemies, and location all work so well to be a constantly tense and nerve wracking game.

The game is fun if you play with someone else. The story is ridiculous... and definitely stupid at points, but I kinda love how bizarre it is. Sprinting is frustrating but the rest of the controls feel great. (..Aside from a small gripe I have with discarding items in the inventory menu.) I also really love most of the locations, the maps look great to me and full of color, especially after the gloomy, almost desaturated look given to 4 and 5. They took a pretty bold new artistic direction and I personally really enjoy a lot of the visual aesthetics the game offers.
Maybe it's just the overwhelming RE fan in me but I really can't dislike the game. I'm just really opposite the crowd on this one. Is it the "worst RE game"? No. Some of you people haven't played Survivor and it shows. (P.S. I love Survivor it's quite epic)
And hey. Just saying, but Jake rules and he's also insanely hot. We've had a lot worse RE characters through the years, so I'm surprised he gets such negative reception in particular. I hope they bring him back to the series one day so we can see more of what he's up to now.

I know I'm the odd one out here but I hate this fucking game so much, I don't know why. I guess I wish I liked it, but it's so SO painfully boring and it didn't ever leave me feeling unnerved. I like minecraft, I LOVE horror, I like open world exploration and crafting systems, I should like it in concept, but I don't. This might be the least enjoyable game I've ever played. Might pick it up again later, for a third try... much later.

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I was eating those beans

Daniel Mullins Games at the absolute best. Left wanting so much more, but I've always been a huge fan. Multiple moments had me left gasping and subverted my expectations. Played all the way through with my fiancé, great time.

The gameplay is nothing to write home about but the story was engaging, I liked the characters and generally had a good time.
Maybe I will finally read those comics after all! :)

probably one of the best co-op action horror games to play with a friend, significant other, or even by yourself at points too! not the strongest resident evil title for sure, but gameplay wise, definitely fun to hop into imo.

So good that I didn't want to finish it.

Not a game I'd grind for hours at a time, but playing with friends from time to time is a lot of fun. Hopefully it gets thoroughly polished by release though. Props to the dev for being really active with updates as of writing this.

I absolutely love this game, but if you know how it works, you probably shouldn’t buy it.

That may sound odd, especially when it’s a social co-op game that was popularized by Twitch streams, but playing with that context may actually hurt your experience. Personally, all I knew about Phasmophobia going in was that it was about ghost hunting, it had online co-op, and it had a well-received VR mode. Luckily I had buds who were willing to buy the game even when they knew as little as I did, along with a VR headset, which makes anything scary about ten times scarier. We all agreed not to look up anything about the game, nothing about how any of the items work, nothing about the behavior of the ghosts, everything we learned would be through experimentation. The twenty hours it took for us to learn these lessons and go from “the idiots in the abandoned house” to “The Bustin’ Crew” were fantastic, since the gameplay itself is so unique, along with its satisfying learning process, and the added hilarity of learning how your friends would act in a scary situation. However, as soon as we knew how things worked, all that was left was going through the motions, doing the same things on the same maps over and over again. Repetitiveness is the most common critique to see in reviews, but I believe this issue has been aggravated due the aforementioned viral nature of the game’s popularity. If you watch a few streams of it, you’ll know the maps and how to play effectively, and will only get a few hours of interest from it before it feels tedious. If you play with friends or randoms who already know the maps, you will follow them or just be told how everything works, and the appeal will dry up quickly. It’s also natural for any game that generates its content randomly and doesn’t have a set progression path to be considered repetitive to some degree, as the only definitive endpoint is getting bored and deciding to move onto something else.

I do realize that’s a pretty bad sell for a game I want people to play, though. “Check out this game, except don’t research it, just take my word for it, and also convince three of your friends to do the same thing, and it’ll get repetitive eventually” is hardly the best way to get people to shell out cash. However, the humor, the terror, the mystery, and the uniqueness of learning how to hunt ghosts is so compelling to me that I really want people to see it for themselves. Sometimes the best experiences are the ones that take you by surprise.

So far, I'm really enjoying this game and everything that it has to offer. Although, I haven't played much because the servers haven't been holding up as they should when it comes to playing with multiple people. Hopefully, as the game develops, the servers begin to strengthen because I think that this game can go far. I hope the developers keep up the good work.

This game looks like and plays like a fake video game you see in a movie or TV show.