picross is cool tho but genuinely fuck this game

This game is so charming, and it's definitely the refresh 2D Mario needed after the New Super Mario Bros series. There's so much personality sprinkled throughout, and it was fun to figure out which new gimmick they'd throw into a level. Kinda wish they did something unique with the boss fights but it is what it is.

also i wanted to play as nabbit but they locked him behind baby mode :(

I may be a bit biased considering this was one of the first Kirby games I ever played (it was either this or Super Star Ultra), but I love this game.

It's longer than the first game, which I feel ended a bit too soon, and it introduces the copy abilities the series is known for. It's also visually impressive for being an NES game. However, this does come at the cost of performance. I was probably too young to notice when I first played it, but the game tends to chug quite a bit. I heard the lag is fixed in the 3D Classics version, but I haven't played that version myself.

It took me about 30-40 minutes to beat the game. Definitely a lot shorter than I remember it being, which isn't entirely a bad thing. Just kinda wish there was a little more to it.

We Love Katamari is easily the best game in the series. This game offers more variety than the first, and it introduced some of my favorite levels and songs in the entire series.

Unlike the first game, they actually put some additional effort into the remaster for this one. For one, the game is no longer capped to 30fps on PC (I'm not sure what framerate the game runs at on other platforms). They also added some additional content, such as extra levels where you can play as the King, as well as stickers hidden throughout the levels. It's not much, but I'm glad they did more than just upscaling the original game and calling it a day this time around.

However, the one thing that drags the remake down for me is the pop-in. Unfortunately, this is very noticeable, and there are some instances where it can make collecting certain objects more annoying than it should be.

Other than that, this is still a great way to play the game.

Katamari Damacy was one of my favorite games growing up, and this is basically a 1:1 remake of the original. This is good since the original game holds up so well, but it also means you gotta deal with the jank that comes with this being the first game in the series. Specifically, it's a lot easier for your Katamari to get stuck than in later entries.

The game is also locked to 30fps, which isn't too big of a deal, but I wish they let you play at a higher framerate.

Overall, it's a great game and the remake is fine, but I just wish they put a bit more effort into it than just upscaling the original.