I'm pointing out some issues in ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3:
[-] The camera feels too close.
[-] It's easy to get lost and I have no idea who's getting beaten by whom in the middle of matches.
[-] No story campaign. (Would have loved to see a cinematic story mode like Injustice or Dead or Alive games)
[-] in Arcade mode, the final boss Galactus is not fun to fight with. He doesn't react even to the special moves.
[-] The online has never been playable in this game.
[-] No Venom (my favourite character in every MVC games).

I like Marvel vs Capcom 2 more than this one which had 53 characters. Also the gameplay felt better. Moves and combos were satisfying.
However, this game is better than Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of Superheroes, the first one. Had fun for an hour playing with my younger brother. Get this if you have siblings or friends to play with. It's very cheap during sales.

Dark Souls + Castlevania = Blasphemous.

The platforming section was so tough that I had to quit. Otherwise, it's a very good game for souls-like and metroidvania fans.

It's an enjoyable fast-paced platformer game like Sonic. Visuals and soundtracks are compelling too. The characters would have been adorable if they were not lesbians.

Overall, a charming game to bring back memories of Sonic.

A different take on Batman but I loved it! At first it felt weird to see a tall handsome Penguine but the appearance makes sense with the story.

[+] Incredibly well-written story (it won't feel like you have seen it somewhere nor you already know everything)
[+] Telltales stunning visuals as always
[+] Excellent voice acting
[+] Stayed true to Bruce's character and techniques
[+] Action scenes are pleasant
[+] Quick time action events were well put

[-] Stutters in some action sequences
[-] Bruce appears to be soft and fragile rather than bold (unlike Arkham Series or Batman animated depictions)
[-] Telltales same old running animation
[-] Even with all of the emphasis on "your decisions matter" and "This character will remember that" throughout the game, the most significant impact will be on the bullet points at the conclusion of each chapter and the cutscenes you are shown.

Although some DC comic fans are not happy with how they did not follow the comics, I found the story refreshing. This is one of the best Telltale stories I have played.

This game is the continuation from Batman the Telltale series. Even though the first one was great, this one exceeds that. Top notch story, choices, characters, voice acting, visuals, action sequence.
Certain ending reminds of the Alan Moores visual novel "Batman: The Killing Joke" Highly Recommended for Batman fans.

Loved seeing aggressive Batman but bugs and unresponsiveness of the game did not let me enjoy the game much.

+ Outstanding story.
+ Boss Fights
+ Shock gloves (Feels awesome to use them)

- Poor cutscene graphics (common in WB games)
- Copy-paste of ARKHAM CITY but everythings worse
- Feels hard because of unresponsive
- They just changed the names of the gadgets and tried to show them as new gadgets
- Very buggy that almost made me quit in the middle of playing

This is just a Lazy cash grab attempt from WB. I would recommend it just for the story.

[+] Brilliant story ♥ 10/10
[+] Challenging arcade style gameplay.
[+] 11 year old game yet looks very good.
[+] Very optimized and runs literally on a potato.
[+] Amazing voice acting.
[+] Provides different flavors in some encounters (For instance stealth, bullet-hell, 2D side scrolling etc.)

[-] The finishing blows in combats are awful. Batman knocks his enemies down by slapping them.
[-] Cut-scene graphics is not good.
[-] Last boss fighting was a little disappointing.

I find some of the modern games dumb after playing this. So, much details were put into this game.

The game came 2 years after Arkham Asylum but I was surprised to the amount of improvements. They changed almost everything and made them better. It's still one of the best superhero games even after 12 years.

[+] Astounding story
[+] Combat system (In Arkham Asylum I complained about the finishing blows, they fixed it in this game. Also, the combat system is a little different and more satisfying)
[+] Better character design (Harley Quinn looks 10 times more attractive in this game than in Arkham Asylum)
[+] New tools and improvement in old tools
[+] Compelling new parkour
[+] Better gliding control
[+] Open world in a large enough map (The city is beautiful)
[+] Well Optimized (Runs constantly at 62fps on high settings on my vega 11 igpu)
[+] It's really pleasing to play as Catwoman and Robin (They have different moves and different set of tools) Specially Catwoman is super fast and I love playing as Catwoman.
[+] Side missions with classic Batman villains such as Deadshot, Mad Hatter etc.
[+] Beautiful Graphics (You almost forget that it's a 10 year old game)
[+] Around 10 different outfits for Batman

Fun little details:
[+] Can shoot the helicopters until they turn against me and start shooting me
[+] Can swing with the help of the helicopters roaming around the city

[-] Got lost 2-3 times and reached the destination point watching Youtube video.
[-] Riddlers trophies (I know some people loved hunting them but I really hated seeing Riddlers trophies being caged and there are 440 of them)
[-] Two-faced was dumb and was in the story for a few minutes.

This is the first game in which I even completed side missions because they were not boring at all unlike most other games. Everything in this game is great except bike physics.

Sea of Thieves offers wonderful experience to those who loves to explore seas and it is extremely fun with friends. When we first set sail in the sea everything was new for us. We were like "what would happen if we go there?", "what would happen if we do this or that?". As we didn't watch any Youtube videos nor any twitch streams, we did not get any spoilers beforehand and our experience was awesome. Obviously sailing around, looking for treasures, different sea monsters encounters, fighting skeletons or other pirates, being friends with other pirates were fun for a while.

However, after a week of playing regularly all of us can agree that we have got nothing new to experience here anymore. Most of the voyages feel similar now and different island does not offer anything different. Of course some of you might argue that we could play tall tales. But we played 2 tall tales and all of us admitted that these tales are too lengthy and the puzzles are tedious sometimes. Also, the game is grindy and is really poor at giving us the feeling of progression as we get only few coins end of the day and everything else gets lost when we sign out. Besides, coins can be spent on buying limited collection of skins. Buying pets requires real money to be spent. Lastly, there is not much variation in enemy types. I expected more types of sea monsters in a this game but there are only a few of them.

Overall, Sea of Thieves is a pretty fun game but it does not remain fun for long as it feels soul crushingly boring game in a monotonous world after a while. Sure there is still a lot of active players in this game that are playing this game for thousands of hours. So, opinions may differ.

I wasn't interested in this game as I thought it would be just a farming game.
But after playing I found the best RPG game I've ever played !!!

Probably one of the worst wrestling games I have ever played. I could not even enjoy this game for an hour.

- Every player entrance is almost similar and boring. Everyone of them just kicks out of a box then does some lazy hand movements.
- Every player of same class performs same basic moves. The only unique moves a character has are a signature move and a finisher move.
- Commentary does not even make any sense.
- Campaign is boring and the characters are randomly generated, 2k does not let you create them. So, only thing that is playable are single player exhibition matches.
- Almost all the characters are locked behind a paywall.
- Anything except 1 vs. 1 feels like a mess in this game ans the arena is too small.
- Character Creation does not offer much.
- 10 year old WWE all stars feels better than this fresh pile of garbage.

I found nothing in this game good nor fun. I bought this for around 2USD and it still feels like I have wasted on this as it looks like a lazy cashgrab to me. Just stick to your Smackdown Here Comes the Pain or Smackdown vs Raw 06/07 or WWE 13/14. I would suggest keeping your money away from any 2k crap.

I don't know why it is always on top of the top sellers on steam. People are stupid.

A 3 hours short pixel game can not be scary, right?
NOO mein freund you are wrong. This game can give you pretty good chills on your spine. You will face the fear of unknown.

[+] Terrifying story
[+] Has a few jumpscares but mostly pure horror (I don't consider jumpscares as a true horror material. It feels like tickling someone to laugh rather than telling him a good joke to laugh)
[+] Frightening atmosphere
[+] Not complicated like most of the pixel 2D point and click story rich games
[+] Superb music 10/10
I have finished this game twice actually. I finished it in 2016/17 once. Now I have bought it and finished it again to play season 2.
Overall, this game is really underrated. If it was a TV series, it would be very popular trust me.