Apart from the alarm box mechanism in every mission, the campaign is good. The game focuses more on the timed puzzle escape aspect than the destruction aspect. So, the game becomes more like a Thief Simulator game sometimes, which is annoying. But the mods in this game are really fun which makes the game more like gmod.

This review was written before the game released

After a full release, they're claiming that it was an open beta LOL.
It's being taken offline to be re-released in 2024. If you have spent on this game... GG. Imagine paying for skins/battle pass and then not being able to use them for a year.

Better play Brawlhalla, which is a polished game unlike this one and still has like 30k players online every day.

It started out really well. Loved the combat, story, and nemesis system.
But it became boring after 5-6 hours because of extreme repetitiveness and an excessive amount of grinding. It lacks variation in the gameplay. Also, I hate quick-time events.

I liked LOTR movies but this game is like an average Ubisoft game at best.

Grodd: I'll wait until Brainiac exposes his weakness and kill him.
Literally 5 mins later, after getting his arse kicked by Black Adam and Aqua Man
Grodd: Hehe I've seen his mind, felt his power. Brainiac can not be stopped.

Don't get me wrong, the graphics look much better than the first one. But the story is so inconsistent and cheesy sometimes that it gets in the way of my enjoyment. Also, there are inconsistencies in the gameplay too such as Flash being slower than most of the characters (even Bane), Superman's ultimate move dealing much less damage than the others, etc. Besides, the game often crashes.

Overall, It's not a bad game with minor improvements and an inferior story (I have read the comics in between).

I played it on android 8 years ago.
I miss the days when devs used to release innovative games on mobile such as Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Temple Run, Subway Surfers, The Room, Framed, The Silent Age etc.

I used to play Chivalry 1 with my younger brother and I have waited long enough for Chivalry 2. I like 3vs3 and 40 player game modes rather than 64 player mode. I think the devs should consider ranked matchmaking system with 3vs3 or 1vs1? In large battlefields you don't get to show your skills much. A noob can always kill you from behind amidst the chaos.

The Positives:
💚 Fun combat system. Kills are satisfying. You can kill someone and throw the dead players head to kill another.
💚 You get missions to slaughter peasants, set fire to their houses and steal their golds.
💚 Variety of weapons and classes and they are well balanced.
💚 Greatly optimized
💚 Astounding maps with real background history
💚 No P2W aspect

The Negatives:
❌ The netcode is still bad
❌ Auto team balance is never balanced.
❌ If your friend buys it on Epic, you can't play with him.
❌ I had some progress in Epic but I had to start from level 0 on steam
❌ Party limit - 4 players only
❌ Difficult to get into for newbies as some of the players are playing it for an year and they are insanely good. It can be pretty frustrating sometimes.
❌ Horses ruin the gameplay for me.

Despite some issues, you will have fun in this game. Even though none of my friends play this game, I enjoy playing it.

Terrible servers. It feels ridiculous that sometimes my friends get into match and I'm still searching for a match even though we are in the same lobby.

[+] The story is fantabulous
[+] Voice acting done by the professionals that voiced DCAU (Kevin Conroy, George Newbern etc.)
[+] A substantial roster of 30 DC characters
[+] unique special moves, combos
[+] Fun minigames in story mode
[+] Locations are pretty DC accurate

[-] Low Framerate & stutter
[-] Horrible graphics
[-] Input lag
[-] Online is barely functional
[-] Feels like reskinned version of Mortal Kombat 9

Some people might make fun of unmatched powers of DC characters but it was made clear in the story mode that they took 5-U-93-R, a Kryptonian nanotech drug, to enhance the strength and durability of the non-superpowered troops. So, Superman vs Batman/Green Arrow/Joker/Harley fight shouldn't sound ridiculous here. I love the subtle details in the story mode that Batman or Joker couldn't lift the bin in Gotham city location when they didn't even know about that drug.

This game is much more fun when you actually know the characters and you are here to playe the story mode. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend you because of the bad port and non-functioning multiplayer system.

As a DCAU and DCUAOM fan, I enjoyed this game.

It feels scarier than a horror game when those pursuit cops start chasing.

ctually, I like this game. It has a pleasant destroyable environment which is graphically beautiful too. Also, enemy AI is pretty challenging. Besides, the story seems intriguing.

However, I had to crack the DRM protection even though I bought the game legally on steam and I had to set it to run on windows 8 compatible mode. Even after that, this game crashes a lot which is forcing me to play the same mission many times. Even though it's supposed to be a stealth game, the stealth combat is the clunkiest.

The story seemed interesting, the graphics looked ahead of its time and the concept of commanding the teammates felt fresh. However, the bad port, weird controls, cringey dialogues, boring AI, repetitive gameplay, and horrific boss fights didn't let me finish the game.

Installed just to verify whether there was any game here. Can confirm that there is no game.

Very promising early access game. Playing co-op can be intensive fun. To keep the review short I'll just point out some negative sides.

[-] Developers intentionally added extra grinding
[-] Network issues or load-shedding can result into losing items sometimes.
[-] Feels unfinished after completing the first 3 biomes (yes it's early access Ikr)
[-] Huge fps drop near fire

Although the controls were painful (why on earth would anyone set sprint and cover actions on the same button?), I was really enjoying the story so far. But all of a sudden my game started showing dark screen after loading campaign and now it's unplayable. Tried some fixes but didn't work. Seems like my game saves got corrupted in the middle of my playthrough. Weird.
I watched the rest of the game from a youtube walkthrough. The different endings were surprisingly good!