What a story!
This game is full of twists and fun. Ignore the graphics.

Very intense fun game. Specially good for local multiplayer. Had some minor bugs.

This game is amazing. Actions in this game are very satisfying plus no repetitive level. But some levels were too difficult that I had to die more than 60 times to complete that. Finished it twice.

Good art style with boring story and gameplay.

The most realistic world war gun battle I've experienced in a game. The progression system could have been better. It was sad to see the playerbase of this game die so fast.

Highly recommended for local multiplayer. Intense fun.

One of my favourite games. It was a better sword multiplayer game than For Honor. I think it was better than Chivalry 2.

Unfinished game that can be made with Unity Engine in a few days with free assets.

Free Overwatch! The biggest downside was the Hi-Rez third party launcher. It was painful.

Over 130 games but all of them are garbage.

It's a very simple game and it's addictive. It was the best game to play against guest kids that time.

I love retro styles games. But the AI in this game is so dumb that I can not recommend this game.

It's a fun satisfying mini game.

All of the positive reviews for "Doki Doki Literature Club" revolve around a single dark twist after four hours of boring gameplay.
I am not a simp, so I do not think this game is for me.
What a waste of time!

The concept is brilliant! I love the fast-paced combat and the strategic options for character builds. I don't know why everyone is saying that the game is infested with cheaters. I haven't personally encountered any cheater yet.
However, The game glitches too much. Guns get stuck sometimes. For a competitive game it's unacceptable. I really hate extreme weather effects as I can't see anything. Also, the competitive matchmaking is not fair.