i won't lie, a little bit came out during that final fight...

what if sir dadadoo was called sir gedagedi and instead of being a leech he was a nugget!!

She fl-ynn the way I stinger
BBKG, we monsters, we killers
Beautiful creature, I'm a model, you're a fraud
I got more polygons than all of GMod
In the Aquatic Sector getting hammered on Gv (Gv)
Opila and the Captain in the backseat (backseat)
Who's gonna miss you when this all goes away?
Tomo-tomo-tomorrow will be a better day

banbaleena is so hot. now i know what it's like to have a crush on my teacher

game isn't bad, but I wouldn't consider it to particularlaly good either.

high encounter rates paired with constant looping of battle music kinda drove me mad. xp distribution made party members level unequally which meant that some members were borderline useless compared to others. xp distribution is based off of participation, so if one member wipes the enemy in one attack, they get the lion's share of the xp, which kinda discourages you to end battles as quick as possible.

unlike the newer games, persona 1 is an old school first person dungeon crawler. and has around 13 dungeons on the main SEBEC route. dungeons are boring at best, tedious at worst. there's an alternative route called 'snow queen quest' which replaces the main route, I didn't play it as I couldn't be bothered playing the game again. but it's there if you really want more out of the game.

story is ok, it's interesting enough to keep you going but you won't be thinking about it long after finishing it. characters are also ok. i never found myself feeling attached to any of them but they did grow on me by the end, so much so that i'd probably think fondly of them in the future.

overall it's an ok game, worth playing if you played 3, 4 and 5 and want to experience the older entries. just be warned that it plays very differently from those games.

I love playing with my friends' worms :) Sometimes they play with my worms :)

Could never beat the game as I couldn't beat the Zavoc boss. But I somehow feel I did not miss out on much.

I like running labour camps :)

Honestly, I enjoyed YIIK. Though I cannot recommend the game to anyone. I guess I just have a special sort of YIIK autism that allowed me to enjoy it. Though it is a very VERY flawed game, hence the low rating I still enjoyed it. I have full faith in YIIK I.V. though and am eagerly awaiting its release.

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I killed King Yama and died to a vampire. I love this game.

I love this game. I've bought it on every platform I own and I've beaten it on every platform I own. It is just that good.


I love to muck my friends. Sometimes we all get together and just muck for hours and hours!

Nothing like listening to my friend scream in agony as his insides become his outsides.