The most accurate remake I've ever played. It keeps the core story intact, and updates the gameplay to keep up with the modern strides the series has taken, which persona 3 desperately needed. The cast of characters is amazing, and the new content they added for them all is great, and fits with their core character arcs. My only gripe with the game is the tartarus grind, but, then again, this is persona 3 I'm talking about.

An all right entry, all things considered. It's fairly obvious there are 2 different writers, as one half of the story is plainly better than the other, and the plot has a lot of issues balancing its two protagonists. A ton of fun minigames and side content hold this game from mediocrity, but the main story of the game itself is severely lacking, especially on Ichiban's side of the plot. Also, the lack of a true final dungeon this time around makes the endgame not worth completing. In a lot of ways, it's a step up from previous entries, but in a lot more ways, it's a step-down.

My review is of the complete package of the game, dlc included. Final Fantasy XIV is my favorite in the series, and this is a close second. This game does a lot of things good, but also some bad. The combat is by far my favorite of the series, and I've dumped a ton of time into making combo videos of it. However, the enemy design is very much a miss here, as largely, most mobs are complete fodder, except boss fights. I believe the story is one of the best of the series, and Clive is by FAR my favorite protaganist, and there are also a ton of great side characters. Problem is, the game has some pretty bad pacing issues, especially in regard to the 50-70% mark of the game. Side content is also amazing, with a ton of interesting looks into the world from different perspectives, and ESPECIALLY the second half of the game, where the side arcs reach their respective conclusions. The problem, again, lies with the pacing. Right before you hit the final quest of the game, you get dunked with THIRTEEN side quests at once, completely killing the momentum of the plot. If the pacing of the side quests was better, I'd enjoy them a lot more. Lastly, the soundtrack. Masayoshi Soken is my favorite of the FF composers, and he did not miss here. Every area theme is distinct, every boss theme fits, even when they get more experimental with the themes themselves. Overall, the game for me personally is amazing, as it's all I want from a game, great characters, great combat, and great music. There are downsides, yes, but I believe the good far outweighs the bad.

Badlur's Gate 3 is one of the greatest games ever made. An amazing cast of characters, fun gameplay, and a nearly infinitely replayable story. That being said, there are some issues that hold it down for me personally. The story is great, all the way up to the end of the game, and that's where my personal gripes lie. A big majority of the characters have unsatisfying endings for me, the two standouts being Karlach and Astarion. The endings they have feel like they go against how great these characters are, and don't give them very satisfying sendoffs. The music here is very good, and fits the areas perfectly, a major standout being THAT theme. You'll know it if you played it. Overall, an amazing game, one that's definitely worth your time, but one with issues that hold it back for being one of my favorites.

This is the greatest game ever made.