Got my hands on free gamepass and picked this up, ended up being one my top 2 favorite games of the year and legit felt bad I didn't spend money on it

I was hoping they would add more stuff to do around town and restructured the social link scheduling a bit, but you can't be mad at an exact match. The art style is bright and colorful which looks good but doesn't fully match what the vibe is for Persona 3. Also a tiny complaint-- on its own the new songs are great, but in the context of a persona game It leans a little bit too much toward anime rather than contemporary for me. Otherwise got everything I wanted and expected from this.

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You know you can just end the series, right? you don't have to erase all the of the world-building and end the game mocking fair and normal criticism. I wasn't looped in when these were popular though, so I wouldn't know how bad it was

wonderfully washed that danganropa taste out of my mouth

my 12th grade astronomy teacher showed us gameplay of this in class on Halloween five years ago, and I decided 'why not' in 2023 while perusing my backlog. I was pleasantly surprised at the unique art style, great soundtrack and most of all the captivating story. Not all the puzzles are that intuitive, and Its plagued with game-freezing bugs although I've read that's just the remastered version. Thus the 4 is only for the remastered version's bugs otherwise the game itself is a 4.5

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I originally played the Skyrim mod a year ago, which I though was masterful for a mod, and found out yesterday that there was a game made based on it. It maintained all of the story beats with new twists plus new ones. The story also felt even more well-placed in the setting of this game rather than a that of the mod which appealed to my religious historian heart.

phenomenal soundtrack and some of the best voice-acting ever in a videogame, beautiful worlds/levels, great and emotional story with some hidden gems in side quests, and has fun combat. The mob and sub-boss encounters tend to prove more strategic and creative than boss battles as they can sometime lean into simple damage sponges. However this is partially made up for by the cinematic intervals and arena changes during the fights.