he didn't finish the fight he's in like 3 more games after this one

This game will put hair on your chest and turn you into a man's man, or rather a gamer's gamer. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go join the nearest army.

Part of me loves this game with it's great setting, weapons and gameplay mechanics. The other half doesn't really enjoy it with it's bland missions, boring gameplay loop and really dated writing. The two halves combine and in return I just wanna play ratchet and clank again

A game with so much to analyze in terms of themes, characters, dialogue and setting. Surprisingly, gameplay was the worst part of this game for me and it wasn't even bad, but in comparison to the story and music it doesn't stand a chance. Praise be to robo ass.

Pretty good, felt like the planet hopping and exploration of ratchet and clank mixed with the combat system of a souls game. In my head cannon every bug I encountered was a grand coincidence of the force and boy the force sure was strong.

Integrating an open world into a parkour game was a great idea, but in reality it gets old fairly quickly. Catalyst doesn't quite have the razer sharp pacing of the original but I still don't think it's as bad as people originally made it out to be. Just make sure to turn off runner vision, makes the game a whole lot more interesting trying to find ways to traverse rather than just following the red. Hopefully dice takes another crack at it, or maybe they'll be stuck in the endless cycle of making battlefield.

I've been thinking and I came to the conclusion that I should be more thorough than before. I've never played a final fantasy game before, although I've tried to many times before. I have copies of 6, 10 and 15 but I never took the plunge until 7 remake. While I don't think remake is representative of the whole series, it has engaged me in a way where I want to try out the other games again. The story of 7 has an amazing base, and I love the world building within. Midgar is a world I love exploring and seeing how people live from the slums to the Shinra towers. The characters are a fair step down in contrast, but they are with some good moments. Cloud is such a goober that tries to act tough it wraps around from being annoying to just funny. Barret is just overtly goofy, Aerith got that "kinda quirky doe" energy and Tifa has the characterization equivalent to a level 7 porcupine. They did grow on me, but that could be due to the fact it took me 6 months to beat this game. The gameplay is flashy, but satisfying enough to keep me engaged. Turn based combat seems to be quite the problem for some audiences, and I do think the real time combat suits the game well. It somewhat reminded me of a more methodical kingdom hearts, which isn't a surprise as this was directed by godking of belts Nomura. I hope the kingdom hearts 3 team enjoyed seeing this, I'm sure Osaka team loved this. The greatest benefit of this game is the graphical fidelity and sheer scope of the game. You feel immersed in this world, and the level of detail present throughout the game made me genuinely say "wow, games look pretty crazy now". Square seems to be one of the only companies that knows how to use unreal engine, but I hope the effort put into luminous and crystal tools doesn't go to waste. As I finished the game, I felt rather satisfied, and then started writing this. Play 7 remake, it's pretty good. Get it on pc or ps5, I can't imagine playing this at 30fps. LOL!!!!

this game is an experience everyone should play at least once. A killer soundtrack, addicting and satisfying as all hell gameplay, and plays with perspective and size in an amazing way.

Gunplay and freedom to complete outposts are fantastic, but the countless side activities to get essential weapons and abilities makes it feel like busywork: the game. Yet again that's pretty much every ubisoft game.

A modern classic. Any switch owner should play through this game, unless you're me in that case you play it on a dead console.

this is like junk food in the form of a game. Bad for you but oh so good, the only caveat being you have to play with a friend. Hijinks ensue.

undertale? more like underTAIL. high five

A real gamer's game. Looks good, plays good, story's good for the most part. Could've used a hallucinogenic nightmare scene like uncharted 3 tho


it's doom what else is there to say

A game that balances between fun as hell and bullshit difficult quite frequently, but the music and unique art style give the game such charm that makes playing all the better. I'm surprised no one's made some sort of custom level editor for this yet.