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1 day

Last played

September 11, 2023

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What's done better than the first Gears is done a lot better, however what's done worse is done a lot worse. Gears 2 starts off great with outstanding gameplay, pacing and encounter design and stays that way for three fourths of the game. I mean it, it's seriously fucking fantastic, but unfortunately it goes downhill after that.

It's still kinda fun because it's Gears of War but the game is seriously bogged down by sections that drag on for far too long, more boring encounters and set pieces, seriously awful driving sections and shitty glorified turret sections. You get to fly on reavers which sounds really damn fun but in the end you're just kinda sitting on it and shooting at enemies while the reaver flies itself which was boring as all hell. Then later on you get to ride a brumak and you actually get to control the badass creature this time around but it still kinda just feels like a glorified turret section. Walk forward and mindlessly shoot your enemies.

I still think that Gears 2 is a good game and you should definitely play it, especially for the fantastic first three fourths of it. This game could be one of the best games I've ever played if not for it becoming so much worse by the end.