Found the right balance between simulation and arcade.

Way easier than the console version.

This was the best game ever when I was high on painkillers after getting my wisdom teeth out.

Don't know why this one is hated compared to others. Its the same damn slop you piggies like.

The strangest campaign to date. Wish more COD's went in this direction.

God damn this game is fuckin bonkers. The campaign doesn't really hold up when it comes to pure pacing and design, but the multiplayer was fun of course and yeah I still play zombies.

The first Modern Warfare I played which is why I probably don't remember it. I like the hoard mode.

Don't have the nostalgia for this one like other people do. I can see why it was quite the package back in the day.

Its crazy how this game feels quaint now. Definitely the best campaign in the series.

Its kind of like GTA in the sense that its way more fun to just mess around rather than do the missions.

This game fuckin stupid. Played the wii version first.

The only football game I've played lmao

Replayed it recently. Still a fun party game.

No one really remembers its, but its a Halloween classic in my book.