Log Status






Time Played

100h 0m

Days in Journal

22 days

Last played

March 1, 2024

First played

January 25, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


If Y7 was the passing of the torch to the next generation then Y8 is the last spark of the old guard.
Feels kinda bad when Gaiden was made only after most of 8's development was done because it hurts seeing how Hanawa and Daidoji were handled.
Don't want to beat a dead horse but the story is kinda meh (the first part is pretty good and interesting but after the ending of chapter 9 iirc the story fluctuated too much in quality akin to a sinusoidal wave) but gotta appreciate the whole messianic theme they did with one of the villains and the MCs.
The beloved characters from Y7 are back in business (even though some were kinda shoehorned in there cough cough Zhao and Joongi Han cough cough) and the new characters are pretty good most of the time ("This hoodlum wanted money and he pointed a gun right at me!" Tomizawa, Cutiepie Chitose not Buster Holmes, Fangirl Suengee, Cold-blooded Yamai) but some of them like the villains or some minor characters are kinda shitty.
The gameplay received an overall improvement and it’s so enjoyable that I’ve grinded dungeons just to juggle enemies between the team members (don't even get me started how I creamed my pants when Dragon's Resurgence was introduced).
For the love of God just leave Kiryu alone so he can live his last days in peace and not bait us with another battle on the Millennium Tower in the future.
I wanted more Yamai but he was too good for this game and left too early (hope he'll become a playable character in Y9 somehow).
My first impression was a 6/10 but in retrospect I've enjoyed the game too much so yeah fuck it 7/10.