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2 hrs ago

slinky3 reviewed Journey
My enjoyment of Journey felt.... tenuous. There was a 20 minute stretch in the middle where no one else showed up and I thought to myself, "who cares about this shit at all, get me out" then 15 minutes later a stranger and I are spamming buttons to keep each other warm and I'm thinking to myself "I would die for you, comrade." I don't know. Cool game. What if no one else shows up though.

9 hrs ago

oldinamerica played Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion
If they ever combine shmups and gambling we as a species are so cooked.

10 hrs ago

maradona finished Pulseman
I think that if I played this as a child, sitting really close to the CRT while dealing with such an ungodly amount of flashing lights, it would have turned me colorblind.

11 hrs ago

maradona completed Pulseman
I think that if I played this as a child, sitting really close to the CRT while dealing with such an ungodly amount of flashing lights, it would have turned me colorblind.

11 hrs ago

DestroyerOfMid finished Celeste
A good start but I think the sequel can explore more complex mental health issues: heroin addiction, the dissolution of the USSR, killing a spouse and repressing the memory, etc.
The possibilities are truly endless

13 hrs ago

oldinamerica is now playing Tails of Iron

1 day ago

1 day ago

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