Very cute. Very kitty. The controls are jank and there's a lot of collision issues. But cute and kitty.


If you get the right pieces you can be incredibly OP, but you can also die anticlimactically well before reaching that point. Or for that matter well after - there's no immunity to polymorph! The game can be frustrating but it is soooo satisfying when you're doing well.

... I exploited the stalk market to complete my house, then immediately lost all focus of what I even wanted to do in this game. I get that it's meant to be a socialization bonus thing, but online play has made turnips kind of a toxic gameplay element.

Might be more worth playing than New Horizons, if you don't love what the latest entry brings to the table. It was definitely the best in its time, despite some flaws.

A worthy successor to the original in its time, but not really worth going back to now in my imo - if you're going back past New Leaf, you might as well go all the way back to ACGC.

The original. Doesn't hold up as well today next to the sequels, but it will always have a special place in my heart.

This game could've been so good if it was good. It has so much potential and then completely flubs the execution at every step.

Fun as hell casual roguelike, the postgame is great if you like slowly getting more and more OP while still always having to be a little careful.

Finally finished this game for the first time since buying it in 2011, it's hella fun. Can't play it without mods now, but the vanilla experience was worth it, so everyone should do that at least once before getting into Calamity and such.

I added this at the recommendation of a friend and I think it might be a bit much for my computer (and it breaks the balance of Calamity a little bit lol)

but I love the enchantments and forces and would gladly use a mod that was just those, and the easy access to bosses and events is nice QOL

Looking forward to the eventual addition of Calamity enchantments even though that will definitely just break the balance even worse. What can I say, I like being obscenely OP :p

Still haven't finished this mod and starting to think combining it with Fargo's might have made me even more OP than I usually like to be, but I'm having fun anyway

Has pros and cons compared to the GameCube original, probably the only other version worth playing. Apparently Namco lost the source code???

I've been rotating this game in my mind since 2006 and I don't expect to stop until I die.

Finished the main quest, which was an amazing conclusion to everything that came before. Between life and distraction, though, I ended up dropping the game without going into the 'postgame' stuff. Maybe I'll pick it back up when 7.0 drops.

Banger soundtrack, absolutely worth playing, but the frustration eventually got to me. I'm not really this game's target audience.