21 reviews liked by worms_in_games

I wanted to love this but I felt like it was 3 other games meshed together with a Star Wars skin on it. Too much sliding through cracks and sudden sliding segments. I also really don't like the main character.

It says a lot about the state of Star Wars video games that people think this is one of the better ones.

Quit at the fourth level because a controller issue made one of the puzzles effectively impossible to beat and I took that as a sign from god

Some really great feeling ideas in terms of mechanics and writing underneath a veneer of unlikeable stinky doodoo

u gotta understand i am extremely biased here because i love rareware and i love silly spooky monsters.

This was rough to get through and took 2 years of stopping and starting. I adore Dead Rising 1 & 2, but this is a weird clash of western aesthetic. It's ugly as shit and it's really frustrating have to run across the big map. If there was fast travel (or anything similar to Monster Hunter's camp mechanic) this would have been easier to get through. I still appreciate Dead Rising's weird charm and Capcom easter eggs - I still finished the game, but man this was a big step down for DR 1 and 2.

This game is totally fine to play but I don't think I'll ever think about it again.

Surprisingly ok shooter, especially for a movie tie-in game to BATTLESHIP.

Essential weird-y2k-invader-zim-full-zip-hoodie-tripp-pants-kingdom-hearts-depop-core. Looks like Salad Fingers mixed with Shadow Hearts mixed with EB Games by Walmart 19.99 section. If this actually scans to you, congrats you have BPD, welcome to the elite.