Lick a truck and got dragged a mile woooo, holy guacamole being a goat is awsome. I wish I was devoid of all responsibilities except terorizing people irl,.,,.

Its just LoL, I have a singular event Zeraora to my name and nothing else. Pure unbridled mid

Online features were kind of ass and theres a ton of unnecessary clutter. Optimization is messy as hell and its only half-decent when played with a GPS spoofer.

Actually fuck this game it gave me rythym game autism and made me weird.

VN I got off a key site for free, didn't ever expect much. For what it is, its a solid hourish story about a murder and such. I never wanted to or got around to the second chapter for the obvious reason of not giving a fuck. It was forgettable tbh.

It was a free RPG so it made sentiment hard to catch (its hard to get sentiment off unpaid things dont judge me.) Atmosphere. The entire atmosphere and the whole thing going on surroinding the events was really well thought out, while the gameplay was easy the turn of events was so silly and impactful it really made its mark.

No wonder this game was labeld as a greatest hit, now this was peak car game. The damage mechanics were as pristine as ever, the upgrading system was peak and the graphics still hold up well today. Kingfishers road was MY jam btw. I had a decked out Mustang GT with mad upgrades I used to jump distances, I even have some sorta rare achivement for getting wild air time with the Mustang. I also love the in-game house remixed tracks and revisit them sometimes because of how nostalgic they are. Other great songs I wouldn't have discoverd like Brick + Mortar or Lootin in London were also dug up through the OST.

I remember absolutely nothing about fifa 17s gameplay as I was barely concious while playing it. I think it cane out around the peak of gamefly (game rental service) and I played it for a few months through that.

As much as I don't like 2hu I fw my queen Sakuya HEAVY in this game. Most balanced and savory mechanic ass metro-whatever-the-fuck-its-called. The timestops, slowdowns, dashes and stuff were gas. The NG+ Was for sure worth it. The entire game was worth it, didn't require lazer focus and it was perfectly smooth and encapsulating to play during a school day. The boss fights were creative as hell and the power up system was balanced and fair. After finishing it, I kept coming back because with the power of save edditing, abillities I loved became boundless. I was there with an infinite time stop and max MP spamming knife throws like a hoe. Knives with abillities were a huge addon with the masterful time altering mechanics. The basic stun knife held my game together so hard, swatting shit ass faries out the air with chainsaws was also something else. Huge props to the dev, more people should play.

I think this might have been the first game I ever played, so I have heavy nostalgia bias. The levels are good, the cutscenes are funny and colorful, the story may not be cannon but god it is good. Unlocking the Gold Ninja was the best 100% I've ever done in my life.

Generic guitar hero thing going on, beatmaps are good I guess. Base controls are shit, lag needs config regularly but yk it works for what it is.

Not even for its time, its a generic shump from Japan. Everyone just overhyped it, over-rated and ZUN really just got lucky. Another game that got me through a few school days, that reason alone is keeping my opinion afloat.

sometime a man needs some endless bs to play during school, I've repeated the whole thing so many times i can tetris effect it whenever and I don't even imagine things no more. Like I straightup lost my ability to have dreams with depth after playing this for 2 school weeks. 2 off for killing my brain a little.

my phone fucking combusted under my pillow and nearly burnt my home to the ground.