Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a game that I often think about replaying until I remember the elevator levels. Good game but that mid point needed some work.

Like its predecessor Star Fox Command wanted to try something new. Whereas Assault suffers from some bad gameplay decisions in an otherwise good game, Command suffers from repetitive gameplay and a branching story with no canon route that goes a little too crazy with its concepts.

Star Fox Assault is a great story wrapped in odd gameplay decisions such as open zone levels with little sense of internal progression (with notable exceptions) and ground 3rd person shooter sections that don’t hold up as well as they should. It has a wonderful multiplayer mode. A good proof of concept for a sequel we never received.

As an aside, go in the settings and change the ground controls to twin stick.

Played this at the behest of a personal friend. It’s just CSGO but bad and touch controls. It feels awful to play at almost every moment. There’s a lot of work in it and it has some potential but it’s no CoD mobile, at least that game is some mindless fun.

Will download when I’m bored and spam ads just for quick endorphins. Cannot recommend to anyone with a functioning prefrontal cortex (not me).

The culmination of 3 handheld generations of experience, FRLG are popular in part due to their accessibility on low power emulation devices. A good middle ground between gen 3 and gen 1.

A promising game that didn’t quite hit the heights it could have. A single open zone sits between sets of linear routes that guide you along a story where you do nothing until the end at which point the game decides it’s suddenly okay for children to be heroes.

Worse Fire Red and Leaf Green with cut content and gutted mechanics. Quit after Lieutenant Surge.

A good proof of concept for Scarlet and Violet, although its open zone gameplay felt underwhelming and made me think of what could be in the future.

And the monkey’s paw curls.

Everything Brilliant Diamond does right is the result of the decisions made for Diamond and Pearl back in the mid 2000’s. A simple retread of the worst two games of the generation 3 trilogy with little extra to redeem itself.

An all around worse way to experience generation 3 than Emerald, although it has some additions that are decently cool. The additional post-game content is just okay.

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The other best Pokémon game with an amazing story and neat gimmick to boot. It even keeps the previous gimmick from X and Y that was really cool.

This is the definitive Gen 7 story experience. The extra characterization of Lusamine in later games and media ruins one of the only interesting and complex character relationship dynamics in the series.

Pokémon X was painfully easy until Lysandre who I gave one half hearted attempt before dropping the game. I did not care about the stories or the characters at all, this is the worst mainline Pokémon game in my opinion.

The best Pokémon game, however it’s still a Pokémon game. Type balancing and pacing issues keep this game from being the best it could be. If only there was a generation 4 remake that could address these issues.

And the monkey’s paw curls.

Following from generation 2 with the introduction of abilities Pokémon Emerald sits with the better games of the franchise, although its atmosphere doesn’t hold up to the previous generation.