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y3t completed Just Cause 3
Limitless action. Just shove rocket up a cows ass and make it fly, usa a grappling hook to climb a building and gun fascists down. Incredible experience

14 days ago

y3t completed Mass Effect 3
Incredible story, graphics and the combat is just right. Killing aliens made right.

14 days ago

y3t completed Mega Man X
The only Mega Man game I player so far. Incredible and nostalgic (even tho I was not born in the 90's)

14 days ago

y3t completed Supercow
First videogame I player. I was 4 years old and still remember to this day. Great game.

14 days ago

y3t completed Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

14 days ago

y3t completed Left 4 Dead

14 days ago

14 days ago

y3t earned the Liked badge

14 days ago

y3t completed Subnautica
More terrifying then a lot of horror games. Being stranded alone in a alien ocean is a unique and frightening sensation, and Subnautica was able to make me feel this fear every second through the gameplay, ambiance and exploration. The story is great, the soundtracks are amazing. I really want to play this game in VR

14 days ago

y3t completed Far Cry 6
Love the latino america based world, but I feel it lacks something. Castillo had the capability to be a new Vaas, but ubisoft is shit

14 days ago

y3t completed Far Cry New Dawn
Not a big fan of the story. But I really like this new post-apocalyptic view where nature really took back the world and it is full of life, plants, flowers, animals.

14 days ago

y3t completed Far Cry 5
The perk system and the story are not my favorites. But you can fish! And the characters are very outstanding and unique

14 days ago

y3t completed Far Cry: Primal
The community shat on this game when it first launched. But I, I love it! Primal has the perfect Far Cry soul but with clubs, spears and mammoths. Reject modernity, embrace ooga booga!!

14 days ago

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