2 reviews liked by yabbieman

The game looks fantastic, but apart from that I don't see much in the way of improvements since playing 2. And the focus here seems to be majorly on story over anything else. Just endless cutscenes and dialogue, some of them not even skippable. I think the first 4 chapters don't even have you firing a gun. I was really looking forward to this from how much I liked the first 2 games, but even if I bought it on release, I didn't bother finishing it until now.

I played the game on crushing as I remember that was one of the things that made the previous so enjoyable, but I guess other games have improved a lot unlike this series. As this was a chore. There's no running, just a sluggish walk, and you can barely be out of cover for a second before you die. I died endless times to simple things like trying to take cover, just for Drake to roll out of cover or off a cliff. The game gives you barely any ammo despite the enemies having infinite bullets on top of grenades. And after every fight it's a guessing game and a chore to not only find ammo for your weapons, but also to guess what weapons to pick up for the upcoming fight that could be anything. In a couple of situations I even had to start fights with no more than 2-3 bullets and it's near impossible to get to more without dying.

90% padding where you just walk around and talk, often not knowing where it is that the game wants you to go, 10% dated gameplay. Jumping up what quickly starts feeling like the same walls over and over and gunfights that don't feel balanced for the difficulty. All ending with an endless qte boss fight that's as fun as Dragon's Lair and to top it off you have to play through an epilogue chapter where nothing happens and 15 minutes of credits just to get back to the menu. Much too preoccupied with being an interactive film than an enjoyable gaming experience.