I don't care if it's a classic but i hate this game. I tried everyway to have fun but no. This game is like designed to make me feel nonchalant. Too many RPG stuff made this game unplayable. I'm tired of walking to save my fatigue or missing 20 attacks in a row. And also tired of walking everywhere in a dungeon to find my way. I even hung a morrowind map on my wall to understand where to go in-game.Man i just want to have some fun with its 30 hours main story. I don't want to spent 300 hours to complete whole game. And when i say something bad about this game, this game's stupid fanbase shout at me to go play oblivion. All i want to say again after these is: This game is too RPG to have fun.

im not good at party controlling rpgs i guess.

Not 3D actually but it was really fun. This game made me realise that kirby games are getting harder or im getting old.

i tried to pick it up again and again but didn't work. It's good in overall but somehow i dont have any desire to continue this game so i gave up.

I bought dungeon siege collection on steam long time ago for 1st and 2nd game and wanted to try this game too since i already own this because it's a part of collection. Worst mistake ever, don't even try this game. We all can be happy if we think as this game didn't even exist.

A mobile game class.Why is the camera so close in this game and why can't I zoom out? Why do I have the ability to hit close range and and grab enemy from far, even though I'm playing a ranged character? How do they expect me to use it? All I do is shoot and dash when an attack comes from the opponent. There's nothing enjoyable about it.

It took my a lot of money on the arcade machine at the time but it was totally worth it. Maybe not so much, I don't know, but I remember well having a good time. It is one of the most enjoyable games to drift.

best game of 2004 and yes its better than half life 2.

It's like max payne 3 of PSP but more borring and repetitive.

You can literally hit a wall while driving with 150 miles per hour and stay with same speed. You can even turn 180 degrees without losing your speed. This game literally killed all my passion for physics.

Main theme song made my ears bleed. Worst experiance ever.

This game has a good concept.Atmosphere is good and story is interesting in the beginning. But combat is so repetitive and story is not interesting after 2 hours. This game betrayed its own potential.

i actually liked this game a lot, its really hard but level designs are pretty good. Ninjas are so overpowered. Platform elements are creative.