Awesome game if you don't mind someone shooting you from literally nowhere and its totaly your fault.

I mean yeah nice gameplay but whats the point ? If there is no story or something why should i just continue playing ? Is it to try that RPG tree? no because they are all passive skills. Is it to try new weapons ? Yeah maybe but it doesn't push me that much since its hard to die due to the simple enemy paterns.

Awesome soundtrack but sometimes music can get ahead of the rhythm and you might miss the beat so it decreases your damage. Enemies are well designed but not that diffrent, so it causes you to feel like you are doing same thing again and again for all the game. I can say that even it is a 4 hour long game, its not a game to start and finish in 4 hours. If you do so, this game gonna make you feel disgusted. I don't know who tought like, ''Lets put an enemy with shield so game can't be smooth'' but it is really annoying. Its like forcing you to use blades because its so hard to kill it with dual pistols which are the guns i love to use mostly. Also when you are on low health music gets hard to hear, i don't think its fun eighter. It has a storyline i guess but it's not interesting at all but who cares about storyline in a game like this so its not a big deal. In the end its a sick game with awesome soundtrack, some bad details and repeating gameplay.

Nice game actually not that bad, if i had friends it would be better game experience but some dialogues are cringe and gameplay just repeats again and again. Not a good story tho

Nice idea and nice speeches but second part of the game where everything is just light is just makes you have nausea and squint

such a masterpiece but really hard for someone who is not used to point and click games. Impossible to complete withuout a walkthrough.

just a poor torchlight wanna be

even worse than 2nd game, who the hell thinks doing the same thing over and over is a good idea ? Probably ones with 5 star ratings

takes a while to get used to it but its so fun

my first and best co-op experiance, man i miss those days

wtf is wrong with this game, what is a curse ? why i should hit twice to the enemies that i used to kill with one shot ? why you respawn me in the same place when i die and cause me to lose health ? why i can't find my way ? why i cant see anything but my health bar ?

This game is the only acceptable reason of a man for not loving monkeys

not good as the first one and infinite but absolutely awesome. It's so much easier than first game, you can choose a weapon and complete game with it only while you can't do the same in first game cuz ammos are limited. Since you can hack everything without any limitation you can easily grind so much money and ammo.

fun but kinda hard and probably not my type