Fun with friends, very well made

A timeless classic, still good. Not as complete as 2 tho.

Mechanics are just so fun!! Best game experience of 2022

Have I not log this game? Amazing game with lots of Original and awesome designs, fun mechanics and challenges and rich story. Though, the open world vibe kinda ruins a lot, the game doubles or triples the hours you need to complete the game with extra stuff you don't wanna miss out or need to level up. By half of the game you mostly get reused enemies and entities and it gets super boring. The ending has no new enemies and I can't finish it because everything is super chunky and does lots of damage even though you are level 130 or something, I just ran into two bosses with mechanics that completely ruin my shield/strengh build, making it super not attractive to finish.

Divertido e legal que ficou de graça e optimizado pra jogar com os caras. Mas literalmente vc n consegue fazer mais nada no novo esquema free to play. Sem nível, sem loot boxes. Depois de 10 partidas você só cai em jogo suado, impossível de testar qualquer coisa nova ou só se divertir com amigos. Jogo ta quase injogavel no momento.

Amazing, original and hilarious game.


The standalone version is too hard


Pirated version is just so fun. Do it

Great game, everything is so hilarious, fun and original. A LOT OF GRIND THOO

FUN! CHALLENGING! Finished with a friend.


Great game, too old tho, play the remaster pls

One of my fav racing games out there!