20 reviews liked by you

Me playing a game and sitting through 40 hours of dogshit but they start saying life is worth living near the end so I gotta lock in and give it that 10/10

If this game isn't like the second coming of Jesus H. Christ like all of its fans make it out to be, then I lose all hope in the Trails series

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when you're almost done with a set but then remember what they did to my boy 9S

Games story and music is so goated it makes me forget the 4/10 gameplay

fitgirl went crazy on this one

This game looks really enjoyable and fun. I've seen people play it, now I just need to play it myself

my first save also got nuked as i got to victory road this is so sad

The first 40-60 hours of this game are magical...

...until you realize your villagers are broken records.