14 Reviews liked by yukichan

More GTA than Yakuza. But not as good as any

I love that the last line of dialogue is "goodbye forever, shadow the hedgehog" and then it plays a song called never turn back

something lgbt+ happened to me..




Remember to situp straight but without stiffness

i made my character the joker and then i stopped playing

CyberBug (there are) 2077 (of them)

Had nightmares from this game for so long.

This review contains spoilers

Overall , RE3 is a shorter remake experience that trimmed down on the excess of the original and delivers some of my favourite high notes in the series in the form of the hospital chapter. Where it lacks in replayability and an interesting antagonist, it makes up for in more involved and demanding gameplay, and a genuine sense of spectacle when it comes to its interactive cut scenes.

If you're performing a direct comparison to the RE2 remake, I believe that the camaraderie that Jill and Carlos develop through the game is a lot more believable and well done compared to RE2 where Leon and Claire just seem to have dialogues with each other at random moments with few words said outside of the intro of the game. Obviously the structure of RE2's playthrough system makes this an understandable decision seeing as these characters are supposed to be in different places doing different things. Where as the single playthrough swapping back and forth between Carlos and Jill makes it so you can have these characters having a pretty consistent dialogue and put them in the same room for an extended period of time without problem.

Where the game falls a bit flat is in the execution of Tyrant. I personally found him to be the poor mans Mr. X that lacks almost everything that made Mr. X interesting. You can out pace Mr. X through a level, and put space between you and him, but the game is smart enough to constantly put you in spaces where you might get cornered or in tight hallways where he is at his strongest. Since you can't kill him, the only choice is to run. Beyond just him being a terrifying enemy, he's just a really well designed enemy to interact with. He is slow, methodical, and makes you stay on your feet 24/7 and keeps the tension high at all times. Tyrant on the other hand is just irritating. Tyrant becoming just a boss fight character after the first chapter was the best news to me. Interacting with them in Racoon city was just annoying with their ranged attacks, rapid dashes, ability to just appear from nowhere. I didn't feel like he was stalking me, I just feared that they would drop from the sky and make me burn a health item in a bit after getting cheap shotted by a ranged attack.

All in all, if you're looking for a RE game you can get through in a sitting or two while still getting a full RE experience, RE3 Remake is well worth your time.

Biggest waste of 25 dollars of my life but at least Jill and Carlos are hot as fuck


Game sucks, I go to bed.

Oh Cyberpunk, aside from the fact this game was unplayable at launch, this story is insanely boring and for what was supposed to be the ‘GTA KILLER’ this game actually ended up killing me slowly. And don’t get me wrong, even with the rebuild and debug version on Series X I realized that the game has a weird amount of customization that makes it seem like I control the world we were suppose to “live in”. Which I just believe is bad game development and management, and I don’t understand the fact they continue the story with meaningless DLC.

I think I hate this game.