12 reviews liked by zeroPraxis

A game about a legion of jackasses trying to extract as much unpaid labor as they can from a drooling zero of a protagonist, who may show mild reluctance at first but always acquiesces because he's Just Such a Nice Guy. Has the temerity to preach about ecological stewardship when Dave singlehandedly kills about a hundred sharks a month to keep one sushi restaurant afloat, which is arguably less ethically defensible than the industrial overfishing it criticizes in passing. Funnel-feeds you new gimmicks almost as quickly as it forgets about them, hoping that your Pavlovian response to number-go-up and the "New Content!" alert will distract you from the persistent Ascended Mobage vacuity coursing through every single one of them. Vile. Play it if you're still laughing at soyjaks.

The dev for this game, potemki11, just woke up one day and decided to make one of the best Shin Megami Tensei clones and make it even better by adding Touhou characters to it.

Difficulty is perfectly balanced, there is nothing in here that's as frustrating as most other SMT games or even Touhou RPGs, except maybe the Secret Boss? Which is debatable as it's really easy to cheese if you've been paying attention to your stats altering moves.

The developer isn't even done with this game btw, he's still adding new content to it to this day, including a customizeable level/map editor, so I will probably go back to this in the near future.

In between the time I finished EoSD and now, I was able to get my keyboard replaced under warranty. As it turns out, Touhou was not the reason for my keyboard malfunctioning. It was simply a funny coinky-dink. That said, I had been too lazy to replace my old keyboard until I looked at my journal and thought to myself: "Golly! It's been 10 days since I last finished a game! Well, might as well quit slacking and move onto the next Touhou title."

Well, that's all the motivation I needed to finally set up my new keyboard; motivation that came way too late, because I now realize how long I deprived myself of absolute PEAK! Its title is fitting as the first game in the franchise I'd consider to be "perfect." It really helps that this feels a lot less chaotic than EoSD did. Though, I will admit that playing as Sakuya low-key felt like cheating with her OP homing shot, but I'm just here for a fun time, not a hard time. Regardless, I'm already looking forward to doing a 1cc run on Normal (I had to test the waters on Easy seeing as I had just woken up from a terrible night's sleep).

Enjoyment - 5/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Horizon Zero Dawn is a painfully average video game.

The visual splendour of Horizon Zero Dawn's landscapes and vistas really carries the experience. Also, traversing on your robot horse and encountering imposing machines is cool. However, all of the game's positive aspects are undercut by its conflicting mechanics and genuinely awful story.

Combat is borderline atrocious. Not once did I have a good time with battling human or machine enemies. Dodging, slow-motion aiming, melee, stealth, it all seemed to run counter to the core of the game. Repetitive mission structures and forgettable side quests also paint the game badly. If I am being completely honest, if the game had a NO COMBAT PASSIVISM lean in its framework I think it would've been a much better game with a stronger identity it could build off.

The ecological, industrial, and tribal theming of Horizon Zero Dawn was very promising. Discovering titbits of the world's history that better informs you about this video game space gave me goose bumps. Stumbling across ruined buildings that were once bustling places now turned to moss infused steel henges as a result of nature's reclamation is truly immersive. However, the world building and the overarching stories are not happily married to each other which leaves a confusing energy for its players to divorce. By the end of the adventure, it left me massively disappointed as it only told a children's first human vs. earth conflict story.

Characterization is dreadful. Predictable character arcs. Pandering story beats. Annoying and unlikeable main character. Contradictory character actions within the plot. Bad ending. Very, very poorly directed.

"If the game was five hours long, maybe it would be good" -Girlfriend.

Don't really know how to end this. Horizon Zero Dawn is an annoying ginger girl who clumsily fights robot dinosaur in attempt to do something??

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

I met a goat guy 3 times. He had a long beard and I just felt weird.

[Dad's note: She had her tonsils out the same day TotK came out, so she was in a semi-delirious state when she insisted on reviewing the game. I was very impressed that she still managed to get through a couple shrines on her own!]

(7-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It's very deathly. But I don't like it! Because I just want everyone to drive on the road carefully. Listen to the lights! And obey the rules!

That's what I want this game to be.

Cuz I just thought it was driving on the road, being calm. I don't like it! I love driving on the ROAD.

(7-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It's hard. One million exclamation points! I liked how there was alive veggies. Let me type.


(7-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

The music! It's so good! BOOOOMBS! Cherry Bombs! They will explode ANYTHING in their way. But it only goes about what's in front of them like one square. An enemy that I really don't like is those pogo ones and bucketheads. Cuz with the pogo one they can jump one plant over, and it's SO annoying. And with that buckethead, you need to hit it so much to hit the bucket off, and then you need to hit it a couple more times to kill it. Annoyed.

this game is a great litmus test for if someone is a loser or not because if they actually get upset that 2 frames of an underaged girls panties were removed from a game and go on to cry censorship you know definitively that theyve never had sex

that being said the game fuckin rules, always has ruled, always will rule

Look, this is a good fucking game ok?

I had really high expectations for this entry and despite them being completely destroyed a couple of hours into the game, I still think the number of positive aspects outweigh the number of negative ones, making it a very enjoyable experience.

The first thing that rubbed me the wrong way was the seemingly unnecessary transition into open world which almost completely removed the dungeon crawling aspect the series was long known for. In fact, there are only two dungeons in the game that exist solely to drive the plot forward and nothing else. Their design is nothing to write home about and they feature a ridiculously small demon variety so you're not even encouraged to engage with them either for recruiting or grinding purposes.

I actually did enjoy the first dungeon a lot more than the second one specifically because of the wind traps and the way they're used to traverse the map. The second one was basically braindead with enemies literally lining up in order to prevent you from advancing further and making the player look for an alternate route.

What absolutely took me by surprise was the fact that I was actually enjoying the open world. Running around in this game feels great and finding your way around is like a rewarding challenge in itself.

Special shout-out to the mediocre world map because it made it very difficult to plot a course just by looking at it. This encouraged me to really look at the world around me and appreciate the interesting worldbuilding tidbits given to me by talking with the demons in each map. When I would eventually find out how to get where I wanted to be, it felt rewarding because there was seemingly no hand-helding involved and I managed to get valuable wordbuilding info and loot along the way.

At the end of the day, the open world implementation wasn't so bad because you're really going through the different maps in a very linear fashion. That is, until the very last map where this gets thrown out of the window and you're kind of left wondering which area you should explore first while getting high level demons thrown in your face no matter where you go. Fortunately, in this game you can avoid combat very easily because enemies are visible overworld and you can just dodge them 90% of the time.

Regarding the quests, there really isn't much to say about them: they're the typical open-world fetch quests except in this game they're given to you by really charismatic and well-written demons which believe it or not actually alleviate the issue by a long shot! Also there are some more important (but still minor) questlines that are a little more involving and are actually required in order to unlock the game's "true ending" or "secret ending", however you want to call it.

The combat is absolutely amazing, I'm going as far as to say it's the best in the mainline series yet. I feel like magic and strength builds are finally equally viable and the new items that can be used as skill backups were very much welcome additions as they allow you to save up some skill slots.

However, I feel like there were weird and unexpected difficulty spikes. For example, I didn't need to grind at all up until high level 50s because the bosses and side-quests were enough to keep me up to speed. However, as soon as I hit the last map it was like getting a wake-up slap because the enemies were suddenly much more higher level than me, forcing me to grind a bit more than usual. This felt very weird, not because I was not expecting to grind in some way in an JRPG, but because that's not the direction the game was going for until that point. It felt like some chunk of the game was removed at the last minute and they forgot to scale the levels appropriately.

The weird level progression is also noticeable in some way if you're going for the true ending. In that route you're required to fight a boss before the typical alignment lock that's stronger than the final boss itself taking all the challenge away from an otherwise interesting fight.

On another aspect, I particularly appreciated the more coherent art style compared to the previous game. This was something that was very jarring in SMT IV and, although it was improved upon in SMT IV:A, I feel like they finally reached a comfortable middle ground between the older Kaneko designs and the new ones by Doi. That's not to say I'm fond of the new designs, which I still feel do not possess the same direction, vision, impact, and recognizability of Kazuma's work, but they are respectable takes nonetheless. I did, however, like the character designs very much and feel like they had the necessary elements to stand out on their own while being recognizable as SMT characters from a glance. Also a side note but I absolutely love the way their eyes are drawn, it just screams SMT to me.

I feel like from an artistical standpoint, the series is trying to find its place in the gaming world: it doesn't want to be Persona, but it is trying to be more marketable than the older SMT entries, and I can absolutely respect that.

Another aspect in which this is pretty noticeable to me is the soundtrack. I feel like this time around it is pretty hit or miss. There are definitely some bangers here and there, but most of the time it kind of blends into the background and becomes a bit forgettable.

There are however some interesting sound design decisions. For example I was especially shocked when I went into the final boss and the music was barely there. Really, it was basically ambient noises. But then, I was so surprised when I went for the true ending and found out there was a pretty neat final boss track afterall!

It's pretty clear that the soundtrack was well thought out and produced in a very thematically appropriate way, and maybe that's why it's not as memorable as, say, Nocturne's: because it doesn't try to get all up in your face at all times.

Even though the soundtrack is by far not my favorite, I still find myself enjoying it, if anything because it's just so unique and no other game out there has this type of sound, to the best of my knowledge. I think this is where SMT shines: in distancing itself from the very much saturated JRPG market.

With this much effort put into the game's design, it was pretty disappointing to me that the story and its pacing were very neglected, to the point where I forced myself not to think about it too much as to not ruin the fun I was having with the game. Even though the lore is there and is actually interesting if you care enough to dig into it, the game fails to tell a compelling story with such rich ingredients. To be clear, I was not expecting a good story-driven game out of SMT — it's pretty obvious they save those talents for their Persona money printing machine. I just think even a minimalistic story can be told in a much more meaningful and laser focused way. They even did it before. I mean, look at Nocturne!

Overall, this is definitely a good game and I think it definitely lives up to the "SMT legacy". I'm hopeful the next iteration builds upon this one and I'm excited to see what comes next.