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Thoroughly enjoyed Team Ladybug's schmup. Lovely pixel work, great music, and fun gameplay that feels a bit like Ikaruga with absorbing enemy bullets, but being easy enough (on normal at least) that you can actually complete the game without pulling your hair out. I haven't messed with the harder difficulties but I really enjoyed playing through the campaign. Short and sweet, but I still feel like I got my money's worth. Consider me a true Team Ladybug fan at this point.

If I could make one criticism, I would have liked a colorblind option to change the color of the non-energy bullets to something other than pink. It was often extremely hard to tell them apart, and being able to change it to something better contrasting for me like yellow or white would have been nice.

Check back in a year maybe. This isn't even remotely finished. What a mess - conceptually flawed and technically shambolic

This game was way better than it has any right to be. The writing is constantly fun and funny, the plot is mostly paced well, and just getting to exist in this world was really compelling. It was at its weakest in combat though, which often felt like a slog of bullet sponge enemies that were more annoying than challenging, and since Peter's weapons do essentially no damage, it mostly boils down to strafing to avoid damage while waiting for the Guardians cooldowns to reset. Some late game enemies just take WAY too long to take down, which soured the climax of the game a bit for me.

On a technical side there were a number of weird glitches causing me to have to load the last checkpoint, such as getting stuck on objects on the ground, and one instance of the next "step" in the quest not loading. Nothing game-breaking, just annoying.

That said, those drawbacks are not enough for me to not emphatically recommend this. I had a great time with it and will probably replay it at some point. I think I like this version of the Guardians more than the MCU take, the artists and voice actors really knocked it out of the park.