Unfair Mario for the cool kids. Not the greatest game critically, but it'll give you a good chuckle here and there. Once you know all of the traps, there's not much to return to.

This is a game clearly inspired by Celeste, and it's... alright. It's definitely harder, but I don't think the level design is as strong as it. Some levels are really easy, others aren't, and some victories felt like a fluke. Overall, I think I enjoyed my short time with it, but I felt like there was a lot of missed potential. Maybe I'll come back to it one day, but for now, I'm dropping it.

Played on PC, considering getting it on Switch. Absolutely worth it in almost every way. There's so much new stuff keeping the game fresh. There's more items, more endings, more music, more everything, really. The only thing that I somewhat dislike about it is the item nerfs, but even then, Repentance is the perfect DLC for this game. Easy recommend.

I don't absolutely love it, but I respect it. I found it more fun in short bursts. It does have some really massive difficulty bumps though, which got me pretty demotivated.

Almost beat on a New 3DS but I accidentally wiped my save state. Ouch. Anyways, a solid follow up to the original. Everything is here, just a little different and intresting. The only bad part is that the OST is a fair bit worse, but overall, good game!

worth it for gangplank galleon alone

Beaten on a PC. I thought this version SUCKED at first. I hated nearly everything about it compared to Rebirth. But 20 hours later? It's actually pretty fun. Isaac is a randomly generated roguelike where you play as Isaac, fighting monsters, your mom, and even Satan along your way with your own sadness. The controls are okay but leave a lot to be desired. Shooting feels nice but movement is janky. The graphics are okay; nothing compared to Repentance but they somewhat hold up. The initial reason why I disliked Flash was because of its difficulty, but now I find it pretty easy. Overall, while Flashsaac is not as good as Rebirth, it's still a good time today.

Favorite game to date. Stellar gameplay, great story, and decent music.

most underrated smash game of all time

Played on PC. Once you learn to master the mechanics it makes for an amazing experience. If you're more casual, you probaby won't enjoy it as much, but this is still a great game.

Played on PC via Legacy Collection. By my second stage, I was already fucking done, and it's staying that way.

Beaten on a PC. Excellent little treat. The combat system is cool, the music is great, and the graphics are nicely detailed. There are some bumps, like not being able to chain cyclone into boost (WHY), but Freedom Planet is a fun time.

Completed on a New 3DS via the Legacy Collection. About as "first game" as you can get. The music was nice, and I actually enjoy a lot of the levels, but the bugs, controls, and overall dated design hold it back from something I can recommend.

Beat on a 3DS, got Super Sonic, PAIN AND SUFFERING