bitches be like "why wont this game give me good items 😭"
mf why dont you be a good item and get good

100% completed with all achievements. Very fun game. Great music, amazing level design, and fun missions. My favorite Sonic game to date.

Completed on a New 3DS. An okay game; somr of it is decently fun, most of it is (intentionally) frustrating. I'm an AVGN fan, but even then, this game really didn't do much for me. Overall, there are just better platformers out there.

Beaten on a 3DS via the Ace Attorney trilogy; didn't beat the bonus case yet but I loved this. It has incredible writing, amazing music, and the feeling of getting a correct objection is unmatched. I highly recommend it, even to people who don't like VNs.

Beat it in the Zero Collection on DS (via 3DS backwards compatibility). Didn't enjoy it as much as the first game. About the same, but the game is too hard in my opinion. It's still worth a play.


Beaten on my Steam Deck. First FPS I've ever beaten, and this was a solid introduction. Pretty satisfying to blast through hordes of enemies, and the soundtrack is a goddamn meme. While it's not as hard as Doom 93, it does provide a good challenge. Overall, this was pretty good, and I might replay it again.

amazing 10/10 video game thats worth $2 usd

This game is insanely intense and I love it.

Not really a fan, sorry. It's super slow and not all that challenging to me.

Ragequit on the second world. Almost NOTHING felt right to me.

The controls are worse than fucking Monkey Ball Jr. It feels incredibly innacurate; you feel like you're slipping all the time.

Falling off/dying is a pain in the dick. You'll have to climb all the way back to where you were, and hope you don't fall there too, otherwise, you'll have to do even more work.

The challenge stages suck ass because of the controls. The level designs are also ripped straight from the original games.

Overall, this game just sucks. Don't play it.

Beaten on a PC via Dolphin. Let me say that I love 2. It got me into the franchise as a whole. But I'll be damned to admit its as good as the first game. My main problem with it is that the level design just isn't as good as 1. An uncomfortable percent of it was either goo gimmicky, tedious, or borderline frustrating. Special shoutout to Arthropod. It has more party games, but I don't really care about those. It sports good graphics, amazing music, and even though the level design is a fair bit worse, I still think it's well done. Monkey Ball 2 is a good game, just not as good as the first.

way too easy to be enjoyable. also why do you only support joycons; it's a fucking first party nintendo game

Unambiguously the best way to play these games. I didn't replay the games completely for this review, but from what I understand, you get voice acting and all of the DLCs (indie cameos included, unlike BMZ Steam). If I had to rank the games, it go:
Zero III (10/10)
Zero II (9.5/10)
Zero (8/10)
Overall, these games are incredible, and as you beat each one, they get better and better. Definitely worth the money.