14 reviews liked by zipiol

Great GTA game the drug dealing mini-game was the best.

I like this game a lot, surprisingly. The characters were funny and interesting, the music, while not as good as in other GTA games, was still great, and the gameplay is fun and entertaining, especially the drug-dealing mechanic.
Definitely underrated as far as GTA games go.

My favorite metal gear.
The easiest entry to pickup and play and its bite sized structure makes it one of the best paced handheld game I have ever played. One of the less convoluted plot in the series making it easy to follow, all with that Kojima mindfuck experience.

The way we can use lighting now is nucking futs.

A fantastic evolution of the top-down 2D Zelda games, and one that I hope will see the light of day in the future. A solid adventure from beginning to end, with great puzzle design and modern mechanics laced with classic Zelda nostalgia.


Admittedly, there's a little bit of a simplistic feeling to GTAIV by today's standards, which is strange to admit given that I remember gleefully awaiting and being completely blown away by this game, but the strength in Rockstar's world-building is, as always, ever present. Niko Bellic is an incredible protagonist. The characters are probably the second best part behind only the city itself, each being rendered with depth and feeling fully fleshed out. Onward to TLAD!

Fun game to do whatever even when pretending to be an actual citizen in the game. Negatives are the community and things being ridiculously priced

mads mikkelsen smoking a comically large blunt in a zoom call
Directed by Hideo Kojima

perfectly continues where the story left of at the first game and it continues to build more character to everyone the more you progress into the story.