like a boss

10 boss themes i love, inspired by @demonandgames
may add more later!


These choices are all AMAZING! Ludwig's theme is so good that its scary (tho there's one Bloodoborne track I prefer) and hearing again that Drakengard theme and Kraid's Lair is always welcomed. I hadn't listned to none of the ones in the lower row, but now I can't get the Megami Tensei II and Panzer Dragoon II ones out of my head, they are sooooooooo good.

1 year ago

Demons Souls’ soundtrack had such an interesting sound and feel to it that is missed in their later games. It fits the tone of the game perfectly, and their other games soundtracks do as well, but I’m sad that that composer didn’t really seem to go on to do anything, not in games at least. Eternally upset at the remake soundtrack…
Also thanks that Zeromus remix kicks ass

1 year ago

@Hilda It's all that bass. It's so good!

I need to make one of these but I already know Maiden Astraea's theme would be on there.

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