this seems like it could be pretty cool during the first on-rails shooting stage, if a bit unpolished. the graphics are ultra slick. when you get to the second stage where you move around like a tank, though, it all goes down the tubes. would've been a bummer to pick this one up retail based on how it looked back in the day, only to find it's a bad game.

yeah, it plays a bit rough and not much like a 2d castlevania, but i also love its whole look and vibe. you should probably just play legacy of darkness instead, though.

finally took a genuine shot at playing a game i used to own on cartridge (and never found very exciting) via emulation. over time i've come to really appreciate this game's whole aesthetic and status as the "in space, but super medieval fantasy" black sheep of the series. i like the unique look of its character portraits and sprites and whatnot. i like its music and its vibe.

i just (still) don't like playing it.

i try not to too heavily factor my own (lack of) ability to perform in a game into my unscientific numerical rating of it, but HECK my brain cannot handle very much of this. that aside, it's... probably a nearly perfect game?

i'm not all that into most fighters to begin with, but i think this one has perhaps the nicest color palette and dithering of any genesis game. too bad it's not very good.

i wanna rate this higher, but its difficulty is CRUSHING.

lol what? this was id software's first new entirely original game since quake and it's a cool hack n' slash dungeon crawler based on the doom rpg engine. there's a dragon with a mood gauge. bring her gifts and win her favor.

in terms of presentation, the lush color and detail of this port stands out from the snes original (also benefiting from better music—while still fuzzy in a way i don't mind at all—than the wonderswan version), and it's my favorite version of the game. i'm only a bit sad that it's marred by erratic input lag in battle menus (and frequent entirely discarded inputs), perhaps keeping this from being the sole and absolute best version... though i still choose it over the rest, ultimately.

anyhow, what can i say about final fantasy IV? in so many ways this is the quintessential final fantasy. this would be a great place for anyone to jump in, and a crucial one for curious fans of the newer titles.

i always want to like this game more than i do. beyond its status as an early 16-bit rpg, the art direction—fantasy and sci-fi with just enough of that '80s punk edge—really works for me. it's just a shame about the clumsy writing and the torturously bad dungeons. oddly enough, this is arguably the worst phantasy star... depending on how one feels about generations of doom, anyhow.

protip! one thing you can do to increase your enjoyment of the game's finale: when you begin the fight with mother brain, mute that shit and put this on instead. trust me.

completely enjoyable, but it sacrifices the strangeness and challenge of the original games to further polish the style of the new stuff. missions are often so short (there are many you can clear in roughly one minute) that i feel like it would really lend itself to being a game on a mobile platform, while as pc game it has stripped away too much of the tension and discovery i want from a game like this.

pretty neat beat 'em up with smooth animations and some clunky (in a good way) giant-sized boss battles. there are some kinda shoddy bosses when you're human-sized, but for the most part it's decent stuff. the presentation makes it worthwhile. kinda wild that this blew right by me all through my teens and i only discovered it last year.

attitudes toward this one have always seemed broadly middling, but i think it's excellent. it looks great, sounds great (aside from the unpleasant squeal of the green laser), and the balance between basic shooting and deploying your fully charged homing options lends itself to creative attacking. love it.

m2's sega ages release for the ps2 is really cool. check it out.

i don't last very long with these games because the writing and tone grate a bit and the loop becomes a chore (i'm not all that into having to pick items for customers' requested styles), but for a while i really enjoy playing dress-up with the player character.

you've got to play this at least once for the hilarious "make a fucked up evil face faster" stick-twirling bonus round. like, what. bless this game.