Reviews from

in the past


One of my favorite games of all time.

These are one of those games that sucked me up for weeks till i finally finished and it was awesome. This intricate and misterious world was a pure joy to explore and uncover its secrets. The bosses were great and the combat and all the builds possibilities increadible. Its a must play

(Just made my profile so I'm speed reviewing games rn) Worst part of this game was realizing I finished it.

Bought the game a second time once I built my p.c

Se alarga más de lo que debe, a veces amarga que se repitan algunos jefes y ciertas zonas no rebosan creatividad. Pero aún así, me ha parecido una obra maestra de principio a fin.

Mi primer juego de FromSoftware terminado. Es tan monstruoso y ambicioso a partes iguales. Una epopeya que va a quedar grabada en mi memoria. Algunos jefes me parecen increíblemente icónicos y la exploración del mundo abierto es todo lo que está bien en el mundo.

El lore es jodido cine. Por lo general me gusta más la forma tradicional de la narrativa de los juegos, pero la historia de fondo en Elden Ring es tan interesante y con personajes que brutalmente escritos. Maliketh y Morgott están en mi tope.

En definitiva: ahora soy parte de la secta de Hidetaka Miyazaki.

Não sei o que dizer por ter sido um jogo TÃO falado por todo mundo e com takes diversos sobre

Só sei dizer que curti pra caralho

gyhwatym(u*Hp9uhgPI9OUH0hjPUGopgUBGPOIUbgoliUB, q pedrada

Ainda acredito que alguém vai fazer um vídeo bom sobre Elden Ring

Terrible game, no bed of chaos 0/10.

The sense of wonder this game provides is incredible. Everytime you think you're running out content to play, the map expands and you've got another 10 hours of gameplay in front of you.

It is rare for a game to meet it's high expectations. It is another thing entirely to be better than anyone imagined possible. Elden Ring proves FromSoftware's mastery over creating the feeling of overcoming challenge. It allows one to express their own creativity in playing the game in so many ways, yet the system mechanics are so strong and refined that everyone in every scenario can succeed. It builds a dark fantasy world of gods and misery, knowing it has provided you, the player, with all the tools to overcome and succeed in this miserable world, whiles simultaneous allowing that success to be dictated and tailored to the way you prefer to express it.

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Um dos melhores jogos da from, talvez até o melhor pra algumas pessoas, ele trouxe o de melhor de todos os jogos da from software e melhorou em vários aspectos, o único ponto baixo do jogo é a quantidade de chefe repetido

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local hobo kills god because he woke up randomly