Reviews from

in the past

Ken Gao is magic to me, but don't play this unless To The Moon and Finding Paradise leave you wanting more of the same vibe.

La descripción en steam de "A bird story" nos dice todo lo que necesitamos saber antes de comprar la obra: corto experimental, animación interactiva de 1 hora y sin diálogos.

El sello de Freebird Games es inconfundible: estéticamente es muy sencillo pero bonito (y por encima de la mayoría de juegos basados en RPG Maker), melodías que acompañan a las mil maravillas y jugabilidad extremadamente escasa.

La historia que cuenta Kan Gao, no está mal, aunque donde destaca es cómo lo cuenta: el uso que hace de elementos visuales para narrar sin palabras.

Es por eso que no la recomendaría salvo a aquellos que ya hayan probado (y les haya gustado) este tipo de experiencias jugables. Quién quiera probar un juego de este estilo mejor que empiece con "To the moon".

Y aquellos que se hayan quedado con ganas de más que no olviden ir a la web de Freebird games y acercarse a "Do you remember my lullaby?".

Much like To The Moon, it’s very narrative based with even less interaction as a whole. Despite the similarities both in the narrative and how it plays, it’s the method of storytelling that is different. A Bird Story has ZERO dialogue. Everything plays out almost like a silent movie with certain instructions being given using arrows and prompts from the controls. When the game needs to direct you to a certain item, a speech bubble with a picture of what is needed or where you need to go will pop up. I can see many people disliking this approach, but the story still comes across very well.

A Bird Story won’t keep you busy for long. Clocking in at under an hour and a half, it’s a quick experience of emotion. It balances many of those emotions quite well though. The moments of whimsy don’t outweigh the humor and charm and there’s a touch of sadness in there as well. Being able to convey all of these without the use of voice or text, especially in a video game, is an achievement that the team at Freebird Games should be applauded for.

The actual plot is relatively simple and benign. A Bird Story is about a boy who seemingly has no friends. He is unhappy and lonely until he befriends an injured bird. The game is simply their friendship together while coming to terms with inevitable decisions he has to make. It isn’t groundbreaking in any fashion, but it is a sweet story that has me wondering how this feeds into Finding Paradise as the ending teases you for that game.

If you want a game to make you feel something emotionally, A Bird Story will do just that. There isn’t much to it as a whole, but its “show, don’t tell” approach works remarkably well and has me eager to see what the follow-up has in store for the main character.

A short, cute and charming story about a young boy and a bird. It's kinda emotional but that's it, it's servisable.
If you came here after To the Moon don't expect something similar in quality, if you are checking on what game by Freebird Games to play just play To the Moon.

It reminded me of what it was like to be a kid again

Even with no dialogue this shit's so GOOD

This game serves as a prologue to Finding Paradise (which I haven't played yet.) It's a simple story about a boy and his bird. There's no dialogue and there's not much gameplay at all. It felt more like a long cutscene with occasional interactive elements. I felt like they should have just bundled this with Finding Paradise since on its own there's not much to it.

o mais fraco da saga mas ainda mt bom

i barely remember this game compared to the main games in the series

A sweet short story, but there's not a whole lot of substance to it. It's a pretty good use of an hour, but that's about it.

não é um jogo é um filme interativo onde a gameplay é apertar um botão nem a historia vale a pena nessa merda

lembro nada. mas vou confiar no kris pitico que falava que era bom

A short but enticing visual novel.

Historia muy cortita que hace de preludio de Finding Paradise, es linda, aunque quizá esperaba algo más tras haber jugado al To The Moon.

простая история, рассказанная без слов. если бы у меня были дети - я бы без колебаний дал бы поиграть им в нее. для них самое то

A charming prequel to Finding Paradise which truly conveys the power of games as a storytelling medium. Without using a single word, it crafts a touching story.

geil geschriebene Dialoge.. hätten dem Spiel geholfen..

Importante para Finding Paradise,e é curtin

Meu Deus, que sonífero. Mesmo durando só uma horinha, tive que dar uma pausa na metade para tomar uma água e pegar um ar porque eu estava caindo de sono. Tem alguma coisa muito errada que não está certa num jogo de uma hora não consegue prender sua atenção pela mísera hora que dura.

Demasiado corto y a día de hoy parece más que una demo de Finding Paradise que un juego independiente, aun así está muy bien

Nothing mind-blowing, but a cute way to pass a few hours.

n achei tão bom quanto o primeiro, mas msm assim pegou no emocional de uma maneira

Very simple but I really liked it. This felt like graphic novel just without the words, so like, a picture book? Made me realise I want to play more graphic novels. Good game.

A part of the great series and cute emotional introduction of character of "Finding Paradise"

Just like to the moon, this is absolutely beautiful. It is simply done with how beautiful it is. It pulls you in a simple narrative that translates well using only images and it got me teary eyed like all the others.

Unlike what David Cage says, there is no reason you can't make a heart-touching game if you don't have the polygons.

un petit vn rapide qui rajoute du lore dans la série des to the moon (principalement finding paradise)

A cute little story. Nothing much going on in terms of gameplay.