Reviews from

in the past

A Tiny Sticker Tale is a cute little adventure where objects are stickers and you pick them up, put them in your little book, and carry them somewhere else for a puzzle or something. Not a lot of brain work going on here, but its kind of fun to solve all the little puzzles around and do the quests.

You get a tent that you can put shit in and decorate, but this can also be used as a wonderful extra storage within your quick storage. You put the tent sticker in your quick access, then you pull it out and place it when you wanna go it. Then you can put a shit ton of stuff inside it for extra space.

Sadly, this was also my downfall because I flicked my mouse or something and accidentally put my tent outside of the screen bounds. I could still see it poking up from the bottom, but my mouse couldnt actually go and grab it. I left some key items in there and basically softlocked myself. Unless there is a fix for this, just gotta take the L on this...

Anyways, its a cute like 2 hour game if you take your time.

Short but cute! I loved the sticker page that forces the player to arrange their stickers neatly to make the most of of their space. Nothing about this game was really hard, it is just a matter of fetch quests all around the map. If you’re a girly who loves side quests (like me!) you’ll love this game!! So cute and cozy but I do wish there was a bit more story to it. The letters from dad were sweet but I wanted more!

Short but really cute game. Wish there was a bit more things to do in the main story but for what it is I enjoyed my time with it

fun little game to play, when you have an hour or two to spare.

I enjoyed this game IMMENSELY! I was able to complete the story very quickly after buying it and found the remaining stickers within the next day! Such an adorable, simple, thinker of a game.

This game is so beautiful and heartfelt and sweet. It is quite short, but very satisfying, with great puzzles, gorgeous visuals, and emotional moments :,)

Un juego de aventura con toques de metroidvania, es muy bonito y visual, con una idea muy origina, y está muy chulo.

Análisis completo:

Es contagiosa la simpatía y lo cuqui de A Tiny Sticker Tale. Si bien desde fuera pudiera parecer un poco empalagoso, una vez dentro, constantemente te anima a dejarte envolver en su inocencia.
Y vaya que le funciona, al menos lo suficiente para las dos horas que dura.

A veces me gustaría que hubiera refinado un poco más sus mecánicas y, en general, su diseño. Si no tengo ánimos de sacar el 100%, es justamente porque el final me dejó bastante satisfacción y porque es un poco pesado intentar tomarte el juego como uno de recolectar absolutamente todo.

Hmmm, son detalles menores cuando miro a mi experiencia general con todo el juego.

Little charming adventure. I really enjoy this cozy type of short games. Cute and relaxing, with an original simple game mechanic.

Fun little adventure about family, but found backtracking to be tedious in some instances.

As the name implies, a short but sweet story with light puzzles. Not much to add, if you enjoy the premise it is a great two hours of going around helping cute animals.

Pra quem sempre quis um jogo com foco em puzzles com adesivos (depois que um certo bigodudo falhou feio nisso), A Tiny Sticker Tale... é realmente uma ótima execução do conceito! O fato deles realmente terem abraçado a ideia e feito todas as interações no jogo usando os stickers me surpreendeu. Não sei se ele é curto porque era tudo que tinham de ideias, ou se olharam pro conceito e pensaram "vai que cola" — porque eu realmente estou a fim de jogar mais puzzles. A história não é nada demais, e o visual não impressiona por si só, mas ele é uma fofa aventura sobre um burrico numa ilha mágica que vale a pena dar uma olhada. Ou melhor, uma colada?


Playing this with a controller is actual hell, definitely would be better with mouse and keyboard. That said, it's cute and all, but pretty uninteresting. This never got off the ground with me.

It's a cute puzzle game, very childlike and very easy to get lost into. it gets repetitive and you've gotta run around a lot...
but once you learn you can literally put anything your sticker book, the real challenge is fitting everything in there.
it's cute, nothing much really.

No me creo que este juego sea el unico juego en la historia donde se referencia a Etrian Odyssey

Ein schönes kleines Puzzle-Abenteuer mit knuffigen Animationen.

Das Spiel dreht sich vor allem darum, freundlich, nett und hilfsbereit zu sein. Ein ideales Spiel also für etwas jüngere Gamer 😄.

This review is entirely for my own sake. You are welcome to read it but it may or may not contain spoilers for the whole game.

Just like its predecessor, Lonesome Village, A Tiny Sticker Tale is a decently fun, simple and short game.
Most definitely recommended for young players.

Overall, simple but enjoyable.

Un jueguito cuqui pero que no incorpora nada nuevo y recuerda a otros juegos.

Cute little game! Wish that Amazon had achievements. Made me cry.