Reviews from

in the past

Sometimes I fantasize about Courtney coming home drunk and beating me until I feel numb. She kicks me in the ribs until I can hardly breathe. Then she starts to cry and apologizes, begging me to forgive her. She holds me all night as I gently cry into her t-shirt. Is there any hope for me

top 5 characters
1. sebastian

i forgot the rest sorry

Me when I am mildly inconvenienced (I yell "NNGOOHHHHH")

The look on the AA fanbase's face when they find out Takeshi Yamazaki directed this game will be epic!!

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my man gumshoe gets a raise at the end. you truly love to see it. five stars

capcom got us americans good by putting all the decent stuff in the first game, then blocking off all the raw goat kino swag stuff to go exclusively into the second game

This game was a massive improvement to the already decent first game and you get one of the strongest entries in the series. Every single case is connected in someway and the twists of whats going on is just great just like any other Ace Attorney game. Edgeworth continues to grow even further as a character (whos secretly a weeb for Steel Samurai) as hes strays away from what made him an antagonist from the previous entries. The new characters were just great and were as just well developed as Edgeworth was with the antagonist being very interesting to find out who it was. i thought every single case (case 2 was probably the weakest) was extremely solid and just kept getting more interesting as you kept playing. the localizers did a great job to make it just like an official translation

Edgeworth playing mind chess as he demolishes his opponents with facts and logic is peak reddit (derogatory)

Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is a legal thriller that goes above and beyond the typical standards of its series to deliver something truly special. Subversive of both its immediate predecessor and the Ace Attorney series as a whole, Investigations 2 weaves an entertaining and memorable cast of characters into an intricate plot which thoroughly develops just about every one of them. With strong themes of family and inheritance, powerful and substantial commentary on the justice system, and some of the most impressively constructed mysteries the series has to offer, AAI2 sits proudly at the peak of both its own series and video games in general.

Yeah!!! Destroy the system!!! Throw away your badge if you have too!!! Miles openly rebelling against corruption and inspiring a new generation!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!

After playing ace attorney investigations and not liking it, playing the sequel... Am I a psycopath? No, I am playing this because I saw a lot of people swear that this is the best Ace attorney and better than trials and tribulations....

My answer is no. But I have to accept one thing. This game is an improvement upon the first investigations game. There is an interesting narrative this time! Less quirky one note characters and more focus on the mystery!

But also, still have the same problems of the first investigations game. Other than story, most of the jokey and serious parts still doesn't mesh well in this game too and that's makes the pacing unbearable at times. Also I still can't connect to "anything that is going on". Because other than case 4(only case where Edgeworth have own personal motives and best one for me because of it) rest of it just a helping the random people simulator that doesn't add anything to my experience for me. People are like oh ma gad did you see the finale?? Twists oh maa gaddd!!! And I was like, eh we just solved another case that unrelated to us? I am trying my best to understand why people like that much, but I just can't. Let me tell in a better way what I think: think about trials and tribulations's finale and person that blamed isn't Maya, it's a random nun that we met. Would you really invest in the case? It's still a solid mystery case with lots of twists in it yes but I would not and that's my problem of this game. I can't invest in anything that is going on.

Also I am super duper angry that they botched Miss Courtney's character at the finale. I almost liked her as a rival until the finale that is.

Unfortunately, compared to the general consensus, other than case 4, rest of is bland for me. Because I don't play these games as a detective mystery simulators. No amount of plot twists back to back to back to back will invest me if there is no personal goal or motive in the way. So it's a pass for me.

Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is, to put it simply, a absolute masterpiece. It takes everything good from every aa game and combines it extremely well, and this makes it the perfect aa game. It also has some of the best writing fiction has ever seen. Also, the fact that all the cases connected to one, huge finale, was amazing.

Overall, This game is what I would call a genuine masterpiece. Please play this game. 10/10, 5/5

A fairly miserable experience for me, by Ace Attorney standards. None of the new characters are really likeable, the cases try too hard to be perfectly connected and just end up contrived, and Logic Chess becomes the most tedious gimmick in the series as it grows more complex. I wanted to drop it in case 2, and really should have instead of slogging through it for over five months. It did not ever become worth it.

It is still an Ace Attorney Investigations game, though, so the pixel art is fantastic and always a treat to look at.

Eu sonhava em finalizar essa parte da franquia, já é um sonho por si só terminar Ace Attorney inteiro, mas INVESTIGATIONS 1 e 2 são os jogos que menos tinha interesse, e agora, finalmente terminando eles, sinto como se tivesse ganhado essa luta.

O 1 foi legal, mas bem arrastado, o 2 foi tudo que o 1 errou, só que aumentado em 1000%, eu amei tudo que foi mostrado aqui, seja a gameplay, os personagens EXTREMAMENTE BEM DESENVOLVIDOS (que todos voltem no futuro) e a trama muito bem escrita, surpreendente e completamente interligada, uma das histórias mais bem feitas da franquia, e olha que eu tô falando de um padrão de qualidade ACE ATTORNEY, então ele ser um dos melhores, é realmente uma coisa a se notar.

Foi incrível, principalmente ver o quanto que o Miles cresceu desde o primeiro jogo da franquia, ver ele aqui e lembrar dos velhos tempos é simplesmente pensar em dois personagens diferentes, meu garoto cresceu cara vsfd que felicidade!

Sinto orgulho de dizer que Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Path, foi o meu primeiro jogo zerado de 2024, pra começar o ano já batendo o pé na porta. Esse ano vai ser foda!

i'm so grateful to have played it after such a long time because enduring a series of embarrassing and disappointing entries (5 and 6) over the years genuinely makes you doubt whether ace attorney was ever good to begin with, or if it has always been a terrible series, and collectively, we only have fond memories of it because we played it in middle school


also being so heavily influenced by umineko is just the icing on the cake

It is nearly impossible for me to craft with words how necessary Ace Attorney was to me in my life. A dear friend to me in some of my most crucial moments, these games transcend a connection that I don't think most people can understand. I feel at home here, and especially with Miles Edgeworth, whose character was foundational to my growing up and path in life.
I had my doubts about replaying this game. With the original trilogy, I feel as if it has a warm place in my past, but it almost feels wrong to revisit it as an adult. Nonetheless, I decided to experience aai2 again since I barely remembered the contexts of most of the cases, and it was the last one i played before tgaa. I am very, very happy I made this decision. I have not felt like this in so long, so passionate and invested in the power of a story. It is an intense feeling that I remember having as a child too, it was these very games that inspired me to learn several arts that are foundational aspects of me today. I never grew up with a father, and I was very much alone my whole life. I saw and experienced many wrongs committed by people who were supposed to know better than I, and I've never had a voice to object to it. To me, what this game has to say is very important. To choose your own path in life and be able to see the world clearly, this was what I wanted to live by as a child. And though some things could be better, and I have grown more since my first time here, I can not reject the impact this series had on me years ago and even still today.

I feel profound gratitude to the people who translated this game and let me experience it for myself. I still hope for an official translation one day, but the amount of love and care put into making this accessible to the west is really incredible, and I'm just so so happy I got to play it once more. This is a little embarrassing, and I always feel like my words aren't accurate enough, but even if it is hard I just want to share my love for this game and the characters in it. Goodbye, aai2, may we meet again in a few years.

edgeworth sends everyone to the chess dimension (2019 Colorized)

unironically better than hamlet

Logic chess is just like Umineko

basically everything the series always wanted to be but never could. one of the greatest, better interconected storylines in gaming with superb characters

Sebastian Debeste deserves his own redemption game

I hate the circus.
I hate the circus.
I hate the circus.
I hate the circus.
I hate the circus.
I hate the circus.
I hate the circus.

I knew out-of-print, obscure and/or unlocalized games tended to get hyped up beyond what they deserve and it always leads to disappointment once people actually get their hands on it. I took the things people said about it with a grain of salt and fully expected it to be good, but not the masterpiece people said it was, and even if I did end up liking it a lot, I didn't want to get carried away and end up continuing the cycle of overhype.

It didn't work. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is my new favorite 2D-era Ace Attorney game.

The first Investigations was the weakest one I've played so far so I didn't really have high expectations for the sequel, but 2 does literally everything better. The addition of Logic Chess adds more variety to the gameplay and helps the game feel more distinct from the mainline series. There's a much greater exploration of who Edgeworth actually is as a character and the path he chooses to walk, and not only are the new characters a lot better, the returning characters from I1 get fleshed out in a great way as well. The cases are a lot stronger overall, they're actually connected to each other in a meaningful and interesting way and build to a much more satisfying climax, and while they're quite long (The Grand Turnabout can easily take an entire day to finish) they use their length much, much better than the first game's attempt at a long, epic case. It feels like what Investigations 1 should have been to begin with. My only real major complaint was with the amount of fanservice- it's not as bad as the first game, since the cases are built around the returning characters a lot better than "oh look! here's the funny character from the original trilogy! laugh!", but it still feels a bit excessive? I know it was released around the 10th anniversary of the original game but especially considering the context of a controversial new cast four years before this game's release it kind of feels desperate.

Either way, this is again my favorite AA game so far- Apollo Justice comes really close, but Turnabout Corner drags it down. There's not a single bad or even mediocre case in this game, and while sad dad Phoenix is still the most interesting character the character stuff in this game is really good as well. It's a real shame this didn't get localized officially- the fan translation is really good and fits in very well with the official team's work, and if there's ever an official localization I hope Capcom is willing to use it as a base, but it's less accessible and less polished than an official release would be.

One of the slowest paced, dull uneventful games in the whole franchise, dragging you from case to case with boring uninspired characters. Would only recommend if you're a giant fan of the series

I went in with low expectations due to how mediocre Ace Attorney Investigations 1 and was blown away, one of the franchise's best, right up there with Trials and Tribulations. The worst thing about this game is that you have to play the first one

Take the framework from the first Investigations game, and ramp up the plot with little filler and tons of twists and compelling characters. Edgeworth makes for an even better protagonist in this sequel because the cases he works on get linked to his past and personal struggles. Even the logic chess is a good time, because you get to EVISCERATE your opponents with FACTS and LOGIC. One of the best Ace Attorney games I've played thus far; might even be the best!

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this is literally the best aa game and like top 5 games for me. the building up and reveal of the mastermind throughout the game is just incredible. and how they actually treated him differently from being like "ohhh he murdered people he bad" and actually gave him sympathetic values that miles himself has respect for makes him the best aa villain PERIOD

Another terrific Ace Attorney game. This one is notable because it's still the only game in the series with NO filler cases. At the climax, everything in the game turns out to be relevant in some way. My biggest gripe is case 3, which is a slog.

banger story that doesn't waste a single beat and makes use of every single character in a refreshing, fulfilling narrative style that took me by surprise. I got stuck in this game way more than I did any other but I also found myself very invested in its characters which the game shows a lot of respect for.

it's a shame that it'll never be localized but I can kinda understand why. at the end of the day, a spin-off such as this is pretty niche but I gotta hand it to the team for dedicating their work towards preservation of what we love about ace attorney over making it more generic and marketable to everyone else. good show!

Miles Edgeworth the greatest videogame character.