Reviews from

in the past

flagship of the series and of the genre. loved playing Ottoman

Lembro que minha reação na época que joguei foi terminar 1 personalizada dele e voltar pro 2 imediatamente.

This is a contender for my favorite game of all time.
I think I put more hours into this in my childhood than anything else. Before there was Minecraft, there was Age of Empires 3.
I've played the singleplayer campaign probably a dozen times through.

joguei online esse aqui em alguma plataforma que nem lembro

O jogo é tudo que o 2 foi mas com alguns elementos e pegadas diferentes, eu particularmente gosto mais do AoE II, mas esse é igualmente uma das maravilhas dos RTS.

Amazing real-time strategy game. Still is a lot of fun. My childhood. Also had really fun campaign.

pretty fun. i can't say i really understand anything about this game, but the fact that i was able to get any enjoyment out of an rts is a testament to good game design!!

Pensée à ma daronne qui me menaçait de couper le courant car je ne sortais plus de la maison pour améliorer ma metropole
(l'Empire Ottoman et Portugais <3)

Los campesinos no dicen "mande... oro, por favor", 0/10.

This and civilization are the kings of the genre

I will always come back to AoE III. Just perfect. The physics are outstanding, the graphics not far behind (and for their time they're unreal), the gameplay always fun and satisfying.

i was eight when i played this and i still remember every campaign i did

guys who think about roman empire way too often are the reason why this game got made into a series

Sunk too much time into this game to give it a bad review.

Qu'est ce que j'adore passer 4h dans la meme game en 4v4 avec des russes qui ne comprennent pas qu'il faut attaquer l'ennemi au lieu de construire une belle ville et des murs. Si vous jouez russe avec les oprichniks sachez que vous êtes surement racistes

Fun game in my childhood, don't think I'd enjoy it as much anymore.

The last good Age of Empires game, as I am not a big fan of Age of empires 4, this was a great conclusion to the original trilogy (?).
The differences from Age of empires 2 were minimal, the graphics were touched up a little bit and the story and storytelling was different. Still you dont need to change what isnt broke. This is a good game in its own right.
I have to say even though I really loved the stories it told, if i choose to split hairs, they arent told as well as Age of empires 2.
Still the design and sounds retain their taste and style and a good time was had playing age of empires 3. I would recommend a try for anyone interested in history and RTS games.

i think it's better compared to age of empires 2

Step down from 2 but overall pretty good RTS with interesting ideas. Campaign overall its alright but nothing exceptional.

one of the real-time-strategy games that child me played for so long. many many hours were spent playing this game, including some hours using the cheat codes where you get the giant monster truck / infinite money <3

The singleplayer campaigns were pretty fun. The multiplayer probably would have benefitted from not having a meta progression system tacked on.
The colonialist themes of the base game are kinda bad, though the game is kinda self ironic about it (I'll never forget Napopleon telling me the natives prefer his oppresion over mine). I assume the expansions handle the cultures they feature even more insensitively but I haven't played them in ages.
Also I have no idea why they made the Japanese in this game vegan?

Entretenido, pero peor en todo respecto a los anteriores.

não é o melhor age de todos, mas consegue definitivamente ser bem mais balanceado doq o Age 2, soq a A.I nessa aqui, é extremamente agressiva, na era II eles literalmente já estão te matando com tudo

You don't do errands. responses, the workforce is quite fluid and fast. military units are wonderfully balanced. The graphics and physics are exquisite even for today. Strategy games often bore me quickly. I very rarely like it. I can say that aoe3 has been my favorite rts so far.