Reviews from

in the past

"Give it to me straight, doc"
"I think I'll give it gay this time" hands me a zip file with this game

Every straight male should dabble in gay VNs from time to time, be a little cultured and invade queer safe spaces! Love is love and I need my periodic dose of lovey dovey stuffey teehee and in this game you mostly will not be getting that!! Idk who's whipping out the ouija board in every manor but this time I think it's the boys summoning demons while girls are doing sleepovers! I guess it's just a trope we have to live with.

The visual style is great! Lilika looks like a completely different person in CGs, this is lore accurate. Only Lilika's routes are necessary in the grand scheme of things but she giving homophobic homosexual the way she needa stop gatekeeping friends from achieving roommates status... will she? Play and find out. Glad the game isn't called Lilika atleast but current name isn't that much better be fr

Alright poking the screen to see funny text time is over, I must turn over a new leaf.. Licensed board game adaptations are calling me. (if you find my review for said licensed board game adaptation without looking at my profile I hope it'll make you grow into a better person).

I wanted to like it, but tropes on tropes and repetitive story-telling for what is ultimately no thematic payoff feels difficult to recommend. There are parallels that are set up in ways that feel like they should almost work, but they just... don't? The story is very light on actual theme, which only leaves plot, and while it's common for visual novels to not actually have any meaningful choices, that somehow feels more insulting when the choices lead to different endings that are all as equally meaningless, all in service of a disconnect to a real plot.

but also it's gay, god bless

I played this a few months ago and it is extremely forgettable. Visuals are pretty good but the story left absolutely no impact, which isn't good for a visual novel, where story is the whole point.

A short little horror visual novel with lesbians! It's very impressive for what it is, and I really enjoyed the characters. Since the game is only 1-2 hours, the story and characters aren't as fleshed out as they could be... but since the game is only a few bucks I can't hold that against it. Again, it's great for what it is and is worth the price! The art is super cute too :)

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I love a good Casper-like.

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Very cute art, solid story but the writing is occasionally stiff and hard to follow. Also quite short so the characters and mystery aren't super in depth, but it means the pacing is good and there are no slow moments

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I'm not saying I think the premise is fundamentally flawed, but how can you exchange letters with someone for 5 years without ever asking for their phone number?

This was a fun read, I wouldn't say it was extraordinaire but the art was really good, plot was interesting and intriguing and the characters always leave you thinking, as the story is told from many different points of view.

Would rate it a bit higher if it included more CGs or more explanations towards spoilery stuff but for what it is it's not bad.

I need to get more of Sofia and Amelie in my life though, they're super cute.

Amelie is a cute and the same time creepy visual novel about two best friends who are going to meet for the first time. I won't tell you what happens after, since the novel is too short for that, but you can guess that nothing good comes out of that.

I liked that the story is shown from three different points of view. As you discover them, you begin to better understand what is actually happening here. It's not hard to guess the main plot twist, but it's still fun.

+ Gorgeous sprites
+ Writing style that doesn't fixate on unnecessary details
+ Three playable characters

- There's only two or three illustrations
- I wanted to see more romance :(
- Sometimes you get tired of reading the same dialogues since you're reliving the same moments through the eyes of different people

I still recommend it though, if you have a free evening and you like short creepy stories. ♡

Una novela visual bastante sorprendente. Algo edgy, pero está muy bien

short and cute visual novel with a dash of creepy

Short visual novel with great sprites, i love their style especially the eyes. The story is fine, maybe if it was a little bit longer it could develop futher the story but i guess for a Visual Novel long 1-2 hours is fine after all.
Regarding the CGs i don't know if they changed artist or something else but meh they are not really special.

Vote: 6
Time trapped inside an house : 1 H 28 M

good for a short visual novel but ngl had me falling asleep