Reviews from

in the past

the progression in this game was a bit slow but it is fun

The original Angry Birds, but with better level backgrounds and designs.

It's just more Angry Birds. I do rather like the seasonal themes though.

I think this was the first spinoff the game had.

It was pretty decent actually. Same old formula but that's pretty much every Angry Birds game out there. There was also yearly updates with new levels so it is always exciting to see what's going to come out in the next iteration.

Each season has a surprising amount of care put into them actually. There is always a unique theme and the devs would get crazy with it. I especially liked the New Years and the Halloween ones.

As I said before, no amount of spices is gonna make burnt food taste good again. There are a lot of spices in this one. But it just can't hide the fact that the formula has grown stale.

If you wanna try it now, it's just fucking Angry Birds, whatever.

Angry birds but seasons.

My favorite Angry Birds game. Didn't really have any gimmicks besides the seasonal themes but the amount of levels made this game fun to play when I had nothing else to do. I remember them updating this frequently too, and I loved how the levels were released around their corresponding holiday to really get you in the festive mood. I really wish they brought this back...

Idk. It's just Angry Birds again but now it's snowing or whatever.

Ruim não é, mas também não é grande coisa

why did they make so many of these stupid games and moreso why did i buy and finish them all as a kid

for some reason the only thing i can remember from this game in particular is when they collaborated with nba and you got to shoot the birds through hoops

anyways the original halloween and chinese new year animated shorts are still very cool and i love them and you should go watch them again also i think

The third angry birds game I had on my iPod. Seasonal themed. Same gameplay.

One of the best mobile games ever

They put hats on the pigs, so now its better.

The mighty dragon was the coolest shit ever.

Angry birds but it’s seasoned.

este era mi equivalente de las temporadas de fornite

the seasons didn't really do anything to build up mechanically and the puzzle design is generally worse here

This game was supposed to be used as a calendar, I didn't understand this and opened the games twenty times a day, and then forgot about it in a week.

This is the best angry birds game

Angry Birds but different seasons???

Angry Birds... but on Halloween

probably the longest angry birds game ever

2.5☆ - I don't remember this game, but knowing Angry Birds it was probably fun.

super generic
only interesting thing about this game are Finland world and new teleport red

Played on my Kindle Fire as a child, and enjoyed it even more than the conventional Angry Birds, especially the Easter Eggs episode for some reason. I'm through with mobile games, so I will not be returning to this one.