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The Batmobile is, without a shade of a doubt, one of the worst mechanics ever programmed in a videogame and there is nothing Dylan can do about it.

It makes an otherwise pretty decent game tedious in the puzzles and unfunny and cringeworthy in the incredibly numerous combat sections.

The game should be a 3* but the decision of making the damn car omnipresent deserves the lowest grade possible.

Daaaamn, what a game.
As per usual, my background:
1. Liked the first game a lot, replayed it around 5 times when was a kid
2. Didn't like Arkham City, had to endure it
3. Never played other games

So, I remember trying this game a couple of years ago, but I got so tired of the batmobile that I dropped it. Decided to give it another try. Damn.

First of all, this game is fucking gorgeous. One of the most technically stunning game that I played in recent years. From the artstyle to the shaders, everything looks as amazing and god damn, this shit is optimized.

Now, the gameplay was somewhat a hit or miss for me. While it is the most developed out of the three-logy, I was struggling with the controls until the last mission. I don't know, there are just so many stuff and the placement just didn't click with me at all. I dunno how many times I missed the gadget wheel option...
The combat is even difficult, again, kinda related for me not being able to fully control Batman as much as I want to. The batmobile is suprsingly fun! I was enjoying it. Yeah, the combat in batmobile gets old by the end-game but the racing is fun.
Stealth is probably the best part of the gameplay. Fun and unique.

And what surprised me the most was the story. DAMN. What a work of art. The joker integration is so cool. I've seen people be saying that it is a cliche, but I deadass can count just a couple games that executed this type of integration, and this one has done the best way. And even beyond that, the story by itself is pretty cool. But the joker part, man, I applause

Great game, one of the best superhero games and def the best batman game. Sad that it got bad reputation due to technical problems at launch.

"hey you know what the batman arkham games needed? car combat" - fucking no one ever lol

Esse é o meu jogo favorito da trilogia Rocksteady. Muitos não gostam tanto desse por causa do Batmóvel mas explodir tanques inimigos com o Batmóvel foi super divertido e a batalha final é INSANAMENTE inesperada e realmente muito difícil. Também gostei muito do arco que fizeram pra Poison Ivy nesse jogo. Esse jogo também prova que o Batman não só tem o Coringa como vilão foda porque explora com maestria todos os outros vilões e eu simplesmente amei isso.

Dificuldade da platina: 8/10

O que deixa essa platina difícil é com certeza os desafios e coletáveis do charada, sem contar as conquistas de DLC. de resto é tudo relacionado a campanha ou alguma ação que você tenha que fazer durante o jogo.

I played this for so long with no contact with the outside world to a beautiful sunrise. And gay marriage was legalized which was a pretty big deal. What a great experience all the way through it was captivating.

I disliked the Batmobile at first, but we really took it for granted, its awesome. That final level was an incredible experience, it motivated me to complete NG+ just for it. I could go on but its Arkham at its best.

lembro de gostar muito mas eles exageram nas missões do batmóvel. fazer o final verdadeiro é coisa de maluco.

The first Batman game I played, back when it came to PS+ nearly four years ago. I was initially put off by its art style and open world. At the time I was looking for realism, and I couldn't figure out why there were no civilians, and why the Batmobile bulldozed everything in its path. It turned me off.

Coming back to it now I really appreciate the sandbox nature of the world. In general I appreciate open world games more as little sandbox/dioramas than realistic, interactive creations. I love this game's art and presentation. I love how polished and weighted down the world feels. I love the mix of Tim Burton era gothic art style mixed with Nolan/Snyder's brutal neo-fascism. I don't think I've ever really appreciated how much Batman feels apart of his world more than I do in this. All the villains, all the characters, they all feel of a place and that they belong. Batman's brutal eccentricities and psychosis feel utterly at home in a game where you drive a tank and use its enormous rubber wheels to interrogate thugs. His wealthy psychopathy feels suited to this world. He is simply another character in a world full of characters. Why all the female ones are designed like porn stars, I don't know, but maybe that's genuinely how Bruce Wayne sees women.

The biggest obstacle for me in the Arkham games has always been getting a hold of the combat, especially the militia enemies with their guns. This was maybe my fourth attempt at playing through this game. I was maybe 1/5th done by the time I got the idea to start again last week. I found myself adapting to the rhythms of it for the first time, finally finding satisfaction in the game's weird groove. Even the stupid Batmobile stuff I eventually settled into. This pairs really well with Mad Max - another WB game that had annoying driving combat that had a steep tolerance curve. Both feel like odd timeless classics now, 8 years from release when they kind of don't really make games like this any more. We get the Ubisoftification of games with Gotham Knights instead.

A 3 star game that just feels better with age, imo.

O jogo de herói mais marcante da minha vida, rezerar ele depois de 4 anos foi mágico e o protocolo knightfall continua incrível e intrigante, que suicide squad não mate a franquia arkham.

man this game drags on for SOOOO long

Amazing story and gameplay but lol that deathstroke boss battle

Gameplay's a huge slog compared to the games before it, and the PC port is still kinda ass. It gets an extra half star for being very technically impressive, though. Game runs on Unreal 3 and it still rivals some of the best looking Unreal 4 games I've seen, and for that matter, current gen games in general. Though it might be part of the reason why it runs like ass, so. ¯\(ツ)

Finished the main story, liked it a lot. Not going for the true knightfall ending because no way in hell am i getting all of those Riddler trophies. I think i liked this game a lot more than most people, i even enjoyed the batmobile sections a lot, i can completely understand why other people didn’t though. I find it extremely hard to believe that this game was made in 2015, the graphics are absolutely amazing, they’re somehow better than most games made in the past few years. some of the stuff with joker at the end felt a little goofy but it’s good when you realize that batman’s worst fear was becoming just like the joker, and that’s almost exactly what happened. I really liked Arkham Knight’s character as well, i’m sure everyone knows he’s jason todd by now, so i think it’s a really interesting take on the red hood story. i also really liked how this game gave some of the spotlight to underrated batman villains like professor pyg, man-bat, and firefly.

Overall i think this game is just BARELY better than Asylum, but it’s definitely worse than City. It’s absolutely a great conclusion to the Arkham trilogy, but i’m really interested in seeing if Rocksteady’s next title “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League” will reveal that Batman truly isn’t dead, but it’s hard to say.

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La première heure dans ce jeu est déroutante, on est très vite "lâché" dans cette très sombre jungle urbaine, avec des tonnes de gadgets... dont un pas des moindres : le tank de Batman (qu'on appelera ici la "Batmobile"). On a l'impression que le level design et le gameplay ont été pensés à 75% pour ce véhicule. Et ne tournons pas autour du pot, cela rend le jeu... bourrin. Car si j'ai utilisé le mot "tank", c'est parce que c'en est véritablement un et les adversaires seront équipés en conséquence (ou est-ce l'inverse ?). Après, il y a bien quelques subtilités comme quelques énigmes du Riddler à déjouer grâce aux différents gadgets de la Batmobile, mais au volant de ce monstre, vous passerez la majorité du temps à foncer dans les rues de Gotham pour dégommer la véritable armée qui se dresse entre vous et le Arkham Knight du titre.

Un Arkham Knight qui, comme la plupart des antagonistes du justicier, révèle les névroses de ce dernier, bien que le mystère entourant son identité gâche la profondeur qu'aurait pû avoir ce personnage tragique. Mais de nombreux autres super-villains parsèment l'aventure, sans jamais qu'on ait l'impression d'un trop plein (si ce n'est que cette "nuit" semble durer une éternité), et l'un d'entre eux n'est autre que le Joker en personne. Rassurez-vous, il est bel et bien mort dans le précédent opus. Mais son fantôme hante l'homme chauve-souris et c'est amené narrativement et visuellement d'une très belle façon. Les questions morales qu'apporte ce personnage, qui implique directement le joueur (via notamment quelques très belles séquences hallucinées, dont une fameuse vers la fin du titre), réussissent à élever cette expérience vidéoludique au-delà du simple jeu d'action.

Car depuis le premier épisode dans l'asile d'Arkham, les développeurs ont comme référence directe la saga Metal Gear Solid (en particulier les deux premiers épisodes). Ici, les mécaniques de jeu s'écartent de l'infiltration et du côté "donjon" qui caractérisaient le premier opus de cette trilogie, mais se rapprochent du côté "techno-thriller" des jeux d'Hideo Kojima, expérimentent davantage dans la narration (cfr l'affrontement qui oppose Batman et le Mad Hatter) et peaufine ses personnages secondaires (le Arkham Knight fait immédiatement penser au personnage de Gray Fox). Bien sûr on reste loin de la qualité d'écriture de Kojima et son équipe, les relations entre les différents personnages et leurs motivations restent sans grandes surprises, mais le tout fait preuve de beaucoup de maturité et à ce niveau, on est dans la filiation directe avec la trilogie cinématographique de Christopher Nolan.

Malheureusement, cette narration est entâchée par un trop grand nombre d'objectifs secondaires sans grands intérêts (désamorçages de bombes, missions de sauvetage, courses sur circuit, ...). Si le gameplay et la prise en main font un quasi sans-fautes (le système de combat est un modèle de beat em up souvent copié depuis le premier épisode), on a tout de même la désagréable que le jeu s'éparpille dans l'excès (de touches, de gadgets, d'objectifs secondaires, de défis, ...) avec pourtant un terrain de jeu pas si énorme que ça et manquant d'intérieurs marquants, beaucoup de scènes se déroulant dans les rues de la ville.

Ce n'est peut-être donc pas le jeu le plus subtil qui soit, on peut notamment regretter une orientation plus musclée et manquant de clarté, mais cette trilogie aura creusé le mythe Batman d'une brillante manière et cette conclusion mérite qu'on s'y attarde quelques heures.

A year after my original playthrough, I suddenly had an urge to collect every riddler trophy and take on new game plus. This lead to 10 discoveries.

1. Core Gameplay in Arkham Knight is stellar. The Challenge map extra mode is demonstrates. Especially as a sizeable improvement on previous games that aspect is brilliant.
Pro-Tip: pick up baseball bats off the floor and beat ppl with them. Highly effective.

2. Quite Ironically, Riddler is the best boss fight in the game. That aspect is quite disappointing compared to Arkham City. There’s nothing comparable to fighting Mr. Freeze, Clayface, or Ra’s Al Ghul in Arkham Knight.

3. Batmobile Racing kicks ass. Zooming in and picking off drones with Perfect/Critical shots to power your secondary weapons is very satisfying in Batmobile combat.

4. It’s very easy to download and install costume mods online. There’s great stuff out there too.

5. The story, while bombastic, is full of holes and leaves massive gaping questions.

6. Mark Hamill’s Joker as a haunting sidekick/npc/villain was brilliant. He’s a perfect comedic relief throughout the game before a really epic villain climax before the end.

7. The alternate playable characters are heavily underutilized in story mode.

8. I wish you had full freedom to investigate side missions to completion. Story progress determines a lot. Not a very “open” world.

9. There’s something viscerally satisfying, about personally driving Batman’s enemies to be locked in this game. Especially from a completionist prospective, GCPD might be a favorite hub area for me now. It’s probably the smartest idea of game design going on here.

10. This game still looks next-gen however many years later….. 3D Graphics are peaking. It’s time for higher era of art direction.

Pretty ironic that the worst part of Arkham knight is the Arkham knight

People shit on this game, but I loved it. Even the batmobile shooting missions. For me its only slightly below Arkham Asylum/City.

Man, 8 years since this came out. We need a new Batman game!!!

I remember this game really getting me hyped for next gen. In a lot of ways, it was ahead of its time; dynamic loading corridors and the way the Joker would just pop up out of nowhere were really unique at the time.

As you may have already seen from other reviews, this is the ultimate Batman game. It's the cleanest, largest, and most detailed and immersive interpretation of the Caped Crusader in video game format. Ever since the first game in the trilogy, driving the Batmobile has always been an elusive dream of mine, so when I saw the Batmobile for the first time and got to drive it and blow up enemies, it was absolutely amazing. I really felt like Batman from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. The combat was it's smoothest yet, and blowing up enemy tanks with the Batmobile was super fun. I played the game on hard, and the final tank fight was actually quite difficult, but other than that no extreme difficulty spikes. The gameplay did admittedly get somewhat repetitive near the end, but the story and smooth combat made me push through. The story was also the most interesting of the Rocksteady trilogy, starting off with the death of the Joker, and its effects on Batman's mental state throughout the game. The theme of fear throughout the whole game, from Batman's fear of killing, to Scarecrow's ideologies of fear, made for a very compelling story. The character of the Arkham Knight is my favorite villain and character in all of the Batman games. The unanticipated ending was wonderfully unique, unexpected, and memorable. I played this game on the base PS4, and the graphics were still amazing. There were some considerable drops in refresh rates at times, but I made do with them. The only thing that doesn't make this a perfect game was the redundancy in gameplay around the end. If you don't care at all about Batman (which I find hard to believe) it might not be the game for you, but as a fan of the Dark Knight trilogy and The Batman (2022), it was an incredible game, with awesome graphics, a compelling story, and great gameplay.

Fácil o pior da trilogia. História é peba, o mundo aberto é peba. Felizmente o gameplay ainda é maravilhoso e sustenta muito. Mas é uma queda muito forte comparado aos outros 2 que são incríveis

I was loving this at the beginning; driving and gliding around through gritty Gotham, clearing up side quests, getting Riddler trophies, the Joker thread in the background. If you stick to the story, and do side quests that take your fancy, this is a solid experience. But doing side quest clear up near end-game is sadly no fun - I just couldn't find the energy to do it. But it's still a very chill game to play and would recommend for an easy-going ride with The Bats™.

Fun combat, great stealth and cool gadgets, made me say out loud "I am batman" a couple of times I can't lie.
Also, am I really the only one who likes the batmobile segments?

yeah i know about the fucking batmobile shut up

The game is at its best when it's just focusing on its core combat, too bad like 50% of it is done in the car. I don't hate the Bat-tank but I don't love it either; and while I enjoy seeing the physical progression on the prison it still doesn't stop all the open-world side missions from feeling like busy work. The story still sucks and I will not move on this opinion, there is no way you can prove me wrong on this.

When I played Mass Effect 3 I understood why people didn't like the ending for the game but I could still see good quality the game had to offer, this is my Mass Effect 3.

This game gets shit on (deservedly), but it definitely isn't without its upsides. Graphics were fantastic for the time and still look just as solid today. Playing as Mr. Man is just as fun, engaging, and empowering as it always has been. Fear is fun to play around with even if it's not the most nuanced mechanic to ever exist.

Story's ass, batmobile is ass, and the game sucks

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This is the definitive Batman game in my opinion. It's just as solid as the previous titles in the Arkham series, so if you liked those games, you will definitely enjoy this one.

Combat really shines in this game, with the detective mode and normal combat being the best in the series. The semi-open world nature of Gotham City is incredibly fun to traverse, especially in the Batmobile.

The art direction and visuals deserve special praise. The game still looks amazing despite being almost a decade old (at the time of this writing). The fact that the graphics still look better than some games released recently is insane.

I know the PC port was a complete mess when it was released but I didn't experience any of the performance issues.

I do feel like some parts of the story were rushed and could've been explored in more detail like Jason Todd, the Supervillains meeting, and so on.

All things considered: it's an absolutely wonderful game.

Fun game to play. You really feel like the batman. First one I played in the series and will not be the last.

Batman melhor super herói, quem discorda de mim está mais errado do que jogar resident evil 4 sem salvar o lobo

Suicide Squad has some massive Bat-Boots to fill.

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Finally I've finished with the Arkham trilogy. After 3 months where pretty much all of my gaming experience was playing as batman, I must say that I've had an amazing time...but I can't wait to play other stuff.

Arkham Knight has some big changes to the gameplay specially with the inclusion of the batmobile which probably takes almost half of the game. The tank bits become quite repetitive although I must admit that I found them surprisingly fun. Moving around the map is a joy like in Arkham City, but with the added bonus of having a need for speed game with a cool looking batmobile.

The story has possibly the biggest premise out of the trilogy but it fails to set the scene as well as the other games. The arkham knight is quite a boring character and I saw the twist of his reveal coming from miles away.

The key to this game, as its always the case with batman, is on the joker. Even when he's dead he plays a massive role on the story and on the psychological health of batman. Absolutely loved his lines being a sort of a narrator and batman's devil on his shoulder. Once again shoutout to the legendary Mark Hamill.

The game is as polished and good looking as any batman game can ever be. It still has some notable flaws as you feel that the original smart one-man detective that started in Arkham Assylum has slowly turned into a warlord/tank commander/CoD character which most modern action games try to recreate. Apart from that, I loved most of the side missions (the one with professor pyg had an incredible ending) and the overall story was a fitting end to the Arkham series. I've had a don't talk to me about batman until the next film comes up.