Reviews from

in the past

It’s called Battlefield 1 and it’s not the first battlefield game. WTF

Singleplayer is average (still better than 3, 4, hardline) but this the best multiplayer game i've ever played. Game mods are balanced and funny. Mechanics, gunplay are too. And the atmosphere... It's fucking breathtaking. I already played it for 140 hours and can play another 140 hours.

Hands down the best multiplayer shooter of all time

undeniably ambitious to make an FPS for a war that was considered "too boring" by board directors for decades. Let's not delve deeper into the ethics of considering one of the most taxing human conflicts boring, not now at least.

Incredibly immersive even in multiplayer, DICE really outdid themselves with the sheer vibes. The variety of guns is cool, seeing prototypes and concepts take on some life is quite novel considering the last game I remember doing such was the G11 being in Black Ops.

Multiplayer is much better with friends but the highlight maps are Verdun Heights, Forte De Vaux, and Zeebrugge

The last good battlefield game.

seven nation army starts up and everyone gets hype fr
i still remember that trailer to this day

Only played the campaign. Cool war game to play would probably rate it higher if I played the multiplayer with friends.

The multiplayer was much better than what I was expecting from a WWI setting.

Na minha opinião, é o jogo de 1° guerra mundial definitivo. Tudo nesse jogo é grandioso, imersivo e belo. Desde os gráficos até a edição de som e a gameplay. É, na minha opinião, o magnum opus da DICE.

Esse jogo, como quase todo jogo da linha principal de Battlefield, é um primor técnico. A engine do jogo, a Frostbite 3, foi a engine perfeita para a experiência que é Battlefield 1. Ela permite uma destruição de cenários excelente, na minha opinião. A física dos projéteis sendo disparados e consequentemente atingindo os inimigos é excelente. A animação dos personagens, seja correndo, seja se esgueirando pelas trincheiras, seja caindo após serem mortos pelos inimigos, tudo isso é fenomenal.

As armas desse jogo são outro show dentre os vários shows que fazem parte desse evento (Battlefield 1). Cada uma é mais bela que a outra, e suas animações são muito boas e contribuem para a imersão do jogador, fazendo com que ele se sinta na guerra (claro que, sem o terror que é de fato sentido durante uma guerra real).

Os gráficos são excelentes. Um dos melhores gráficos do ano de 2016 e continua sendo um dos gráficos mais belos que já presenciei em jogos mesmo atualmente, em 2023. E a edição de som senhores, é um espetáculo. O som de tudo: disparo das armas, projétil acertando um inimigo, tanque ou qualquer outra superfície, tanque atravessando uma avenida, explosão de granadas, disparo de silenciador, som dos aviões, etc. Tudo isso foi feito com muito esmero, algo que a DICE sempre tentou fazer, mesmo com a EA pertubando-a o tempo todo com prazos muitas vezes impossíveis e outros zilhões de problemas.

A campanha do jogo é muito divertida, no geral. Apesar da história não ter sido muito envolvente, pelo menos na minha opinião, é uma história bacana pra introduzir o jogador ao espetáculo que é o jogo e preparar para o multiplayer.

O multiplayer ainda hoje (2023) é muito divertido. Ainda existem muitos servidores disponíveis para se jogar todos os dias, e não presenciei muitos bugs durante minhas partidas. Não presenciei outros jogadores com hacks durante as partidas (ou pelo menos eu não reparei nisso), então não posso confirmar se o jogo hoje está livre dos hackers ou se ele sofre disso.

Acho esse jogo um primor técnico. Extremamente divertido, imersivo, bem produzido, e um dos últimos trabalhos onde a DICE pôde demonstrar toda a sua habilidade em produzir excelentes jogos, já que anos mais tarde, a EA resolveu quase afundá-la com seu Battlefield 2042.

really makes you FEEL like a frontline infantryman in the first world war

This has one of the best openings I've ever seen in any game, and I played the campaign on game pass in the hopes that the rest of it would be in a similar vein. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. The opening level of this game establishes such a strong tone as a "war is hell" type of experience, as when you die the game simply zooms out to show you the name of your character and his lifespan, and then puts you straight into the shoes of another similarly doomed soldier. Everything is full of mud and grit and soldiers dying all around, and it hammers home the meaninglessness of all of it. After this level, you unlock a variety of mini-campaigns to play, each showcasing a feature of the game; tanks, planes, sprinting, armored soldiers, etc. While the game does try to keep the tone of the opening level somewhat, all of these levels play like the same kind of one man army power fantasies you've played in every other military shooter ever. It's a massive let down going from "war is hell" to "look how good you are at killing, you badass." Also, lmao at the campaign that is all about glorifying T.E. Lawrence and ends with "T.E. Lawrence remains controversial to this day."

Unrealistic game. No frostbite, starving to death or trenches. Shit game

Great gunplay, gorgeous graphics, spectacular sound design...too bad they don't really do anything that interesting with it, at least not in the woefully short campaign.

This is peak modern battlefield

en iyi battlefield diyebiliriz

One of the most fun multiplayer experiences i've ever had

Singleplayer is average but the multiplayer is absolutely masterpiece.

Battlefields 1 multiplayer was incredible. The maps were so good and memorable. The feeling whilst playing was as if you were at war yourself. Details like the behemoth falling down or being able to be on top of it and jump off is what made the game special. The soundtrack was surprisingly good as well I still listen to the OST.

Probably my favorite of the non-classic Battlefields. This is the only game I can think of that has an intro that makes you feel bad for playing it.

The sniper rifle is a plague on multiplayer shooters and I cannot imagine Sir Joseph Whitworth, inventor of the malicious device, is none too pleased.

Yeah war is hell or whatever but have you seen the uniforms in this game? Shit looks badass. The main problem with modern warfare is that military uniforms don't look cool anymore

The format of the campaign is something I find really cool, multiple stories drawn over WW1 to show the scale of the war is a pretty effective idea. And while these mini-campaigns vary in quality, the great ones were great, pulled together with an art-style that finds a nice middle ground between realism and colorful. I never sank too much time into the multiplayer, the matches I played were quite fun.

if i could see the enemies i'd be unstoppable

Man as far as FPS games go this is a very high standard the stories are great different styles and you grow attached to the characters

And the multiplayer is just a blast

as campanhas sao desafiadoras e interessantes, recomendo

Graphics are beautiful so is the story this game needs more love.

Amazing how almost nothing in this campaign works, but It's always that sound design that gets me...

Really pretty game and had some fun. But for some reason I never manage to get into this franchise.

The campaign was good but completely forgettable. I would've preferred if they just focused on one character or two instead of jumping around constantly.

Great shooter really. Gotta give props to the guys that made the ost for this masterpiece of a massive scale shooter game. 5/5

I like getting killed by snipers every 0.000002 seconds, it makes me feel some type of way ngl