Reviews from

in the past

Writing is pretty terrible, getting the true ending takes way too long. Soundtrack is good.

You have in your hand an amazing RPG, isn't the most mindblowing thing of all time, but it's super solid, and that i could re-visit from time to time, but then you completely fucks up the ending with some stupid time loop shit that gets annoying already in the second time, and then it does again, and again, and again, and it starts feeling like that the game's bugged, or it's a glitch, but no, it's just that stupid, you could've been an instant classic, but decided to shit yourself at the finish line.

Nice jrpg with a cool twist , best implementation of the job system in ff followed by its sequel , even if it’s not technically a final fantasy.

However , the final stretch of the story is bogged down by certain section that can feel stretched and rather repetitive even by intention and can sour your experience depending on how patient you are .

Also the music is pretty darn good.

Ringabel the best

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Amazing turn based RPG with great characters bogged down by the fact you have to replay the story so many times.

Awesome battle system. Good music. Meh characters. The story/bosses repeating itself constantly was dumb.

Bangin ost, good QOL, and a great characters.

Fun combat mechanics, one of the best OST of all time, many characters to know and many bosses to defeat in an exciting story and sidequests. The reason it's not a 5? The repetitive second half of the game. I know it makes sense with the story, but come on. Repeating things 4 times is not fun

FIVE STARS for chapters one through four, and then the rating takes a nosedive in five and six. You know why.

They really butchered the end of this game.

This game had my attention for a while and I have to say that what people say about it is true and one thing I have to say about it is that it makes you work for the true ending. Not only with the criteria being tedious at times but also with the bosses being very tough the closer you get to the true ending. I would say give this game a go cause it is the game design well thought out and executed the game itself asks the player to push those limits and rewards you for doing so. For a better experience, I would say play this blind cause the writing in character and story was done in an excellent fashion.

Overall if you want a good story and/or good gameplay this is definitely a game that satisfies both of these criteria and worth a playthrough or 2

Esse é um daqueles jogos que eu simplesmente não entendo pq tanta gente gosta dele, literalmente é o jrpg mais soulless e pobre que já joguei na minha vida (joguem Octopath)

A great RPG, with a simple story, and a soundtrack that goes stupid and dumb and crazy at the same time

Fun characters with a great story and good combat. A bit too easy to break, but it does seem to incentivize breaking it which is nice. Edea and Ringabel are stand outs in the cast, they are just so much fun both apart and when bouncing off each other. People will rip the last 4 chapters to shreds but I even found enjoyment in them equal to, and in some cases, greater than the early parts. Just an overall spectacular game


it hit me at exactly the right time when i was a teen, i love the 3rd act climax and big reveals and shit, i love the job system and how all the characters have funny little outfits, i even love the repetitive story structure because of how it fucks with your head a little bit, its so goated man

Seems good, just honestly felt too much like it’s trying to be an old RPG.

the battle theme makes me penish the big penoid

Bravely Default is a game that truly lives up to it's title because while it still feels like the same JRPG we have come to expect from Square Enix; it has the courage to give us a new battle system, multiplayer experiences, and a story that all feels so familiar, but experiments far too much to be considered the same thing. Bravely Default is truly a rebirth of what a JRPG can be, and what some imagination outside the box can do for any given genre that is getting a little too old for it's own good. With a well written story, an amazing score soundtrack by REVO, and a lot of ideas that tie up together so wonderfully Bravely Default is a must for anyone!

Okay....amazing battle system, interesting characters, STELLAR soundtrack, and fun art direction. Why didn’t I finish it? Because you literally have to replay all the bosses like 4 times. Why they did this, I still don’t know. Anyway, 3.5/5 best game I will never finish ever.

Still need to get around to finishing this

wish I could play it blindly another time

Incredible little RPG with a killer soundtrack. The job system is implemented ingeniously and the ability to control encounters alongside the wonderful Brave/Default battle system makes this some real good stuff.

i was grinding this before i played undertale

and then i never returned cause i felt bad fighting monsters LMFAOOOO

Nah una locura aunque por ahi en medio hay un tramo que da una pereza jugarlo porque va to lento pero bueno

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Why the loop, just why

It's a critically acclaimed JRPG and I thought I loved JRPGs but I played for like an hour and thought "this sucks ass it's so boring" and never touched it again... what the hell did DMC3 do to me?

i kneel at everything this studio makes, it's all peak

One of my favorite traditional RPGs of all time. the brave and default features really add a new sense of depth to the system that wouldnt be possible otherwise. I totally get peoples gripes with the story; feeling like you are circling the drain a bit as the game comes to a close doesnt feel good, but it never bothered me as much as it bothered others. Praying for Bravely Default and Bravely Second to get ports at some point.

Great game, but the end game was unforgivable.