Reviews from

in the past

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To the untrained eye, this game would seem to be utterly disastrous; the first half of the game has generic JRPG romp nonsense, and the latter half reigns notorious as what might be one of the most egregious things any video game would have you do maybe ever

HOWEVER...I think this is all to the game's benefit, the silly romp stuff helps to sort of pull the rug from under you when the story becomes more serious, while the segment people hail as being horrendously tedious is admittedly really cool; the game slyly giving you - the player - the option to break the cycle of this tedium, by choosing a method you put together after having all the information placed before you, or to let the game play out and accept what you've been told, is an incredibly bold ludonarrative move

That being said, even though it's cool, that doesn't mean it's really still have to fight these 4 bosses 5 times in total, in between mashing the X button each time and actually making the trip each time to reach them. On top of that, Tiz and Agnes both aren't really that interesting to me, they're both just kinda by the books fill-ins for their respective roles. Edea and Ringabel on the other hand are pretty endearing, and the dynamics and characterization they develop over time really makes me feel like these two should've been the forefront of the game

The game itself is like. Pretty fuckin good man
You get a ton of fun synergies with the job/ability system, and Brave/Default (THE NAME OF THE GAME) might be one of my favorite battle mechanics in a JRPG I've played so far

I could not do what the game was expecting of me on hard, which took me aback to realize just how much the game expected of you

Also the game looks nice and has a good soundtrack, both aspects really push the bar for a 3DS game :)

Anyway it's pretty easy to understand why this game kinda stuck around as its own series while also sprawling off into different series entirely that are also "Final Fantasy but it isn't though"

(Also idk where to put this: The ending sequence is silly as hell man, I was playing on Citra with no camera input so I didn't get to see what was supposed to firsthand but it's probably for the better cuz I don't wanna see my ugly face; also doesn't help that the only friends I recruited for the segment prior were all bots. I get what they were going for anyway though and everything was just so goofy I couldn't help but crack a smile throughout)

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Beauiful game, animation, plot and characters.

Slight contention with the charactersleapfrogging between worlds in the later stages of the game but the excellence of the writing saved it for me there.

PS. Agnes is my favorite character

Nice jrpg with a cool twist , best implementation of the job system in ff followed by its sequel , even if it’s not technically a final fantasy.

However , the final stretch of the story is bogged down by certain section that can feel stretched and rather repetitive even by intention and can sour your experience depending on how patient you are .

Also the music is pretty darn good.

Ringabel the best

Bangin ost, good QOL, and a great characters.

Incredible little RPG with a killer soundtrack. The job system is implemented ingeniously and the ability to control encounters alongside the wonderful Brave/Default battle system makes this some real good stuff.

They really butchered the end of this game.

one of the greatest traditional rpgs and certainly the best final fantasy game i've ever played if you ignore the tedious final act
final boss theme makes up for it though imo

This game does a lot of things right. Battle system is fun, the classes are interesting and the music is stellar. HOWEVER, when I got to that one part (anyone who has played this game knows exactly what I'm talking about) I lost all motivation to finish this game and have not come back to it since. Maybe someday, but not anytime soon

One of my favorite video games of all time. Incredible characters, banging soundtrack, beautiful art style and designs, this game tickles almost every itch for me. My only major complaints are the 2nd act of the game (which is a major pace breaker that could've been condensed significantly and still worked), and the use of streetpass for a mechanic that, to keep things vague, can change how you interact with specific mechanics throughout the game. Otherwise I consider this a must play on the 3DS and will beg Square for a remaster/remake every year until I get one.

I LOVE the gameplay. I LOVE the aesthetic. I LOVE the characters.

I HATE the loop in the back half of the game. One of the few mobile platforms I felt I needed to cheat to be able to stomach. When I got through it, I ended up liking the ending but was extremely beaten down by their decision to needlessly pad the back half. This is even with the wonderful QOL features they introduced in this. I'm excited to play 2, but will be waiting with bated breath on reviews before getting it.

too grindy, but the overworld music is too good

Depois de anos, finalmente consegui jogar até o final
A gameplay é absurdamente divertida
O enredo é muito bom, até que ele resolve jogar tudo no lixo na segunda metade, a repetição nos últimos capítulos é extremamente chata
Ainda assim, um bom jogo

Um jogo de turno que soube se reinventar pro dinamismo dos tempos de hoje, em que um jogo não pode se dar ao luxo de cobrar do jogador que ele tenha paciência.

Os Sistemas de Bravely Default de investir turnos em um só dando diversos golpes no mesmo turno o deixando devendo turnos futuros, faz com que o Player crie diversas estratégias usando a previsão do que precisa pros próximos turnos, junto ao sistema de Classes que nos permite um leque de habilidades muito maior.

Os gráficos são agradáveis, um 3D Pocket no estilo dos Remakes de FF3 e 4, com um mundo aberto recompensador em XP por um tempo, mas que satura ter que lutar contra inimigos que não são mais vantajoso pro seu nível enfrenta-los mas você tem que passar por aquela área novamente.

A História é simples mas a jornada e o vinculo que criamos com os personagens a da um charme a parte, é um ótimo RPG aos moldes de Final Fantasy 3.

Nota final: 9/10

Bravely default es si un Final Fantasy con una comprensión entendible y que siguió con la tradición de combate por turnos. Lo cual demuestra que una historia que sea sencilla de digerir y el gameplay por turnos sigue funcionando a día de hoy.

the battle theme makes me penish the big penoid

still chasing the coattails of FFV, 20 years later

wish I could play it blindly another time

One of my favorite RPGs of all time, no thanks in part to having one of the single greatest soundtracks of all time. The game isn't perfect, it definitely makes you grind at times, but the story is wonderful, the world is lovingly crafted, the job system is fantastic, the characters are all incredible, and again, the music is some of the best you'll ever hear in an RPG. Revo is an absolute musical genius.

banger game except for that one big part and the odd bad anime trope

i was grinding this before i played undertale

and then i never returned cause i felt bad fighting monsters LMFAOOOO

started around 7 am when i couldnt sleep

just a couple hours in (about to fight the boss with the big knight and the 2 small red knights around him), this feels just like a jrpg that they really needed to make accessible for everyone, making it have all sorts of little things to lead you exactly to what you have to do, and I've never played such a linear jrpg

Insert obligatory chapter 5-8 complaint here except i turn it into the fact that those chapters were cool and i liked them

Fun game :)

Fun characters with a great story and good combat. A bit too easy to break, but it does seem to incentivize breaking it which is nice. Edea and Ringabel are stand outs in the cast, they are just so much fun both apart and when bouncing off each other. People will rip the last 4 chapters to shreds but I even found enjoyment in them equal to, and in some cases, greater than the early parts. Just an overall spectacular game

Es mi jrpg favorito, me encanta el estilo artístico de los escenarios dibujados a mano y los personajes en 3D bien integrados, los trabajos inspirados en Final Fantasy y su sistema de niveles, junto con la mecanica brave y Default hacen el combate muy entretenido y abierto a estrategias según tu estilo de juego. La opción de multiplicar los encuentros contra enemigos por 0, 1 y 2 hacen que el leveleo y el avance del juego sean muy cómodos. La historia y los personajes son increibles, todo está perfectamente escrito.

huh. love the ost to death, the game is just okay though. story kinda blows. gameplay is good